Well, since this promo is almost over....

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. Nah, we need tier 7 buildings upgrades and S5!
  2. This^


    Support, if there is no S5 then I have no real reason to play this game as EE is mostly all I do.
  3. Support for S5

    let's make it the season where ATA comes out with shark-inspired equipment since the Abyss has opened out.

    Samurai used shark skin for the hilt of the Katanas and for other armor pieces - so there is an assist for the the design team

    and for the love of god... give Frog some better times for warring this time
  4. Support for Season 5
  5. Thanks Ashvar. I think the problem is ATA just doesn't want to do a graveyard shift to accommodate Asian players.
  6. Thats prolly correct Frog
    Unless S5 is 6 war slots once again.
  7. This brings the question: how many staff at ATA need to be on hand to smoothly run an EE war?
  8. the answer is... All of them and then some since the apes cant do anything right
  9. ASW was a year ago during June.

    So nah! ASW first, I want to steal Frogs stars!

  10. Sure. Bring it on. Three-time undefeated ASW champion sounds good to me.
  11. Lots of threads and complaints made about when s5 will happen, to when or if it happens there will be lots of threads and complaints as to why s5 is a failure and devs need to fix matchup system.
  12. Thats premature being so negative
    I'd say most whiners r outta line n others make valid arguments.
  13. I support ASW and/or S5. Always been doing something or other that I never really took part, only in preseason. Let this be the year I finally do it.
  14. @turtle

    I don't see any other season 5 thread in the active topics, so there can't be that many.
  15. If there is a problem with the match up system it's because too many people are concerned about winning at all cost and don't care enough about having fun. That's why we should axe round, curtail primal and increase indi.
  16. Amen to everything you say up to this point.

    Disagree about curtailing primals though. If everyone would stop hating and war more often, the system would get better. Is never going to be perfect, doesn't mean it isn't fun. Full support for S5
  17. Have you ever seen me and Batman in the same room at the same time? Now you know why.

    On topic, hopefully there are more wars for my "supposed" alt crazy. Season 5 would be awesome to go "have my own brand of fun" in with my "supposed" alt crazy

  18. I am ALL for Asian friendly anything
  19. I've seen that gif before ashes. lol