Well played NAL

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Gargalesis, Jun 7, 2010.

  1. Chic why do you care about proof now?You sure dont want proof who is winning by using the clan system.
  2. Big words from such a wittle man.
    So adorable. 
  3. Love the tough hide behind the internet kid out there.
  4. Isn't chic the one who claimed to be Conq? Lmfao so intimidating
  5. The title should be "Well Played Viva You Monster" rawr.
  6. I'm not hiding behind anything little boy... Waiting for your comments to stop wing redundent and stupid and for you to actually do something useful in the war. But I guess asking you to use your wittle brain and to use your wittle build to do something significant is too much for wittle you.
  7. Lmfao it's funny how people think zaft is allied to NAL words from orcster "alliances are pointless" they learned that in there 1vs12 war from what he told me when none of their allies even lifted a finger since then to my understanding ZAFT's only allied clans are it's family clans AKA zodiac alliance of freedom treaty ZAFT - destiny ZAFT - academy and ZAFT - assassins and mercenaries so until orcster godsin or laoda comes here and kicks my ass for saying this but ZAFT is allied to no one....yea they may have friends and such but not allies (even tho DF is here if y'all need us )...now have a good KaWing experience and peace out 
  8. Aput what did that have to do with this thread?
  9. Chic this game does not define my life like it seems to for you and the rest of nal. If i cared maybe i would go out and buy some nobs or a propack.
  10. Lol everyone saying ZAFT is your allies so y'all should of let them have their war...that's why I stated that...y'all have no connections to ZAFT so y'all got free will to hit take advantage of a war lol
  11. Yea Aput but ZAFT did Help....no wait let me re-word that....

    ZAFT did everything for NAL for 2 months....fighting, Doing Laundry, Taking out the trash, transfering nobility.....

    Now ZAFT ask for one simple favor......
  12. Necro yes I understand that woulda been cool to see that war but also any smart clan would take advantage of a war...it's dirty tactic but also a way to asure easier win..I personally wouldn't do it but in real world that happens alot..
  13. Gimme a moment an I'll give you a war that happened in in real life..may take a bit gotta google it lol
  14. I love low lvl pathetic spies that take crap :D it's so adorable
  15. You talking to me Chic?

    I know for damn sure u better not be talking to me.....b/c I actually worked for my stats.
  16. Lmao necro you've played longer then me..no offence but the "work" you've done hasn't been very much if your still that low...most people can LC within a month no problems...
  17. Lol I lc and worked or my stats too ask anyone I didn't appear overnight...
  18. Lol, weak says the kid who had to put an OSF on the opposite side of a war to assure victory.

    Gtfo Aput.
  19. Lmfao foamy I didn't do that and before that happened we had a 2.5b lead
  20. Aput yeah some ppl can lc in a month and some people have life. Prefer to be in second group at least don't need to whack off to pictures of some of kaw female players. No offence!