Unless you're incapable of adding up your own income and deciding how to spend it what purpose does this serve? Also haven't the Devs got enough to contend with at the moment?
Just take note of what your gold balance is when you wake up and start playing take a note of gold before bed and you can work out how much you made that day simples
I track my weekly earnings through my ally page. I try to earn a certain amount every week and am very happy if active ally trading pushes me past my goal
No support. If its private to each player it's just another thing devs don't need to focus on. If it matters that much to a player make a note each day beginning and end or your own spreadsheet. But really is it that important. Are you going to increase your time on here just because you could potentially earn more? Please it's kingdoms at war not accountancy. Do it yourself and let devs sort the war system faults before anything else.