Weekend Warriors Guild to EE Builds and Tips- Brought to You

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Valkyl_More_MaCHiNE, May 25, 2019.

  1. Excuse me, but I've been in war for 3 days, and I think my ee5 is not giving me the golden bonus (50%) on my EB. Normally with (50%) I get 36M and now with (Rampant 25%, Blood Rain 11% and ee5 50% I get 31M in GOTH.
    Without being in wars I am being plundered... πŸ€”
  2. I just got the game recently and although I do not understand all the terminology, this was pretty useful as warring seems intriguing to me so thank you!!
  3. Bump. Great guide still!
  4. It’s all about the numbers!of how bigger you r in everything than the other🀣🀣
  5. Good guide!!!
    Plus I got mentioned πŸ˜†
    -STlFF_WHISKY- and Ice like this.