The pvp rewards are garbage. Can't believe people out there max xtalling for that pile of porcupine poop.
I suggest putting ranks 11, 51, and 101 because if you are rank 10, 50, or 100 you will know how far ahead you are to stay in your tier, or how much u need to be in the nest tier
This is dumb idea I new and know more about this game than this op ! Who Is this op anyway cleary not been playing long sit your ass down op you know not what you preach
I enjoyed the PvP side. The rewards gap is a little high. Mayhap a total amount based on the 2 blitzes would work. Idunno.
I apologise if this is indicated somewhere and I just can't see for looking. Can someone please tell me if you receive rewards for both leaderboard and amount collected or you just receive the lb reward if you made it that far.
I think the rewards were kind of low. Right now, only hardcore warriors are participating. If devs increased rewards, it would be a better atmosphere because more would participate. I would gladly compete if rewards were worth it