Please change the rewards for skulls, it takes absolutely ages to get a decent number is sheaths, and by the time you've done that you would've missed out on the skulls you could've got from ebs
The tier rewards are once again pretty high, once again top 100 probably will not be more than top static tier prize, same as the test PvP event (was top 500). Why did you do away with top 10/100/500 format? 10/50/100 seems to be more discouraging to people actually doing PvP and not dropping xtals on open farms.
Did developers smoke sth bad ? 25k in three days Wtf. I am top 500 and not even close to a third of it
It would of been sweeter to have the huntsman plunder spell to have activated for the this event, instead of after last event
I agree, this is WAY too unfair without spending loads and loads of xtals. Even with a scythe, I recieve ~45 sheafs per ~5 hits. How am I supposed to possibly reach 25k? I am too lazy to calculate, but I seem to be getting around 200-300 sheafs per unload, WITH a scythe. If I unload 24 times a day for all 3 days of the event (All nighters :0), which I won't be close to doing, It'll still be approximately 18,000 sheafs. No one will stay up 24/7. I'll probably get 12 full unloads a day MAX. Not even 10k is possible for me without X-Tals. Please make the rewards for the lower-tier better, or lower the 25k, or do SOMETHING to make this event better, or its not worth it, and its a terrible event. P.S. unless you get the 25k reward or the 15k one, HTE gives more Skulls in the 3-day event.
Sadly it looks like ill make more skulls doing ebs. This will be the first pvp event i wont be participating in.
I see a question on the PvP reward tiers.. If you work hard and at the end to be in the top 100 say it's 10,000 sheaves which rewards for top 100.. If you get 9,999 your not 1 tier lower you drop to collected 5000 sheaves and receive 1400 less skulls??? That doesn't seem fair to anyone over top 100 or under.
Since top 100 is far less sheaves then the tiers under it ex: collect 25,000 is tier 6 w/1000 skulls Collect 15,000 is tier 5 w/500 skulls.. So my thinking is if the final sheaves total for top 100 is At say 10,000 and they receive tier7 rewards. Then those at 9,999 go down to tier 3 rewards.
Rewards for pvp are pointless. I opted in for pvp fun but on looking at rewards I'm better off just hitting my normal targets and forgetting the event as Im not hitting ebs so skulls are of little value. I guess such pointless rewards is why only 2000 have opted in.