Weekend HTE, ZTA, RoTWB Promo

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Charlie, Jun 2, 2017.

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  1. Both ways would work.. at least no slow laggy kaw for 3 days now 
  2. It's the same routine every time new lands or building levels come out. Ask for no xtal limit then complain there's no gold sink.
  3. Support devs tyvm


    Can we pls haz unlimited xtals
  4. OH my goodness..you can never please them, always complaining :roll:
  5. Rotwb is so good
  6. Hit those EB's
  7. Unlimited crystals is for something like black Friday and you're lucky you get it then...
  8. fairy
  9. I want it now!
  10. Regen reduced to 60 seconds or something, 5 mins sux
  11. What's the point? Clan rules don't allow crystals .....
  12. Are you stupid? And that's our problem why?
  13. Lol
  14. Why was Dwarven lucky key not available during promo but available again today?
  15. How come i have not received my rewards yet??????
  16. Probably the wrong place to post this. Maybe use the help button.
  17. Correct. Definitely the wrong place to ask. Locking now.
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