Support . I though it was banter on 2nd xtal call . Devs deprived me of a certain win with 5 min to go
Support! We want a compensation! So many wars would've had different results if this problem wasnt there.
Thanks for the Nice lot of support let's hope devs do something 4 EXTRA RANCOR LEVELS FOR ALL LOSERS AND WINNERS
Was it a glitch in just war 3?? Or also the wars 1 & 2?? our clan also didnt know until today as we are prepping for war 4
Lmao at clans who won wanting compensation. Compensation for what?? . Gimme gimme mentality. U got 4 rancor, 1 ee and mith. Be happy.
No support too much free stuff given out as it is/children need to learn that sometimes people gonna get the better of you/ if devs compensate then everyone who loses a pvp/gets stripped should be compensated as well
Rewards have been issued: 50 mith 500 fangs Xtals used in war reimbursed. Devs, thank you for listening to our complaints and repaying us thanks