Week 5 - War #12 Update: 65% Boring Matches & A Solution

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _MrCoffee_, May 6, 2013.

  1. @smilez

    If I could figure out how to post screen shots here (can't find the thread explaining it) you could look at the wars. In so many the winning side has at least 50% more plunder than the losing side - its not tactics deciding that war - they are overwelmed.

    Still my basic proposition is this - more clans will war if you make war fun.
  2. No Support.

    I was reading how great it was to be a guild hansel, so figured that's how I would get started. Thought it would be really neat to get all that great equipment fast - it would take forever for me to build BFA. Let us new little guys catch up to the long time players who spent forever building BFA - how else can we compete with them?
  3. ^If new players were able to compete with vets it would dimish years some have put into their accounts.
  4. @TNT

    But if I can get that new mith equipment, I read it is worth trillions in BFA. Much much easier for me to win a few wars and get the great mith equipment than it is for me to try to build trillions in BFA.

    As I understand it, if I can get the good mith equipment I will actually have an advantage of players who have been playing a long time - I can be stronger than those without the mith equipment, yet look much weaker because their BFA will count in matchups while my BFE will not. As a new player, I LOVE that idea.
  5. Re: Week 5 - War #12 Update: 65% Boring Matches

    My suggestion is to take the match up you get and make the most of it. If you lose? Lose gracefully. If you win ? Win gracefully! Quit whining about match ups and fight!
  6. Re: Week 5 - War #12 Update: 65% Boring Matches

    OP you are getting to be the biggest moron on forums.

    Please proceed to delete the app, you butt-hurt build whiner.

  7. Re: Week 5 - War #12 Update: 65% Boring Matches

    The reason another side gets koed straight away, is because they are simply bad. You can't penalize a clam for having better starting tactics for the war, then a clan with no clue and 6 inactives.

    Op, stop being a fool and think logically.

  8. Some clan join just to lose, their members don't even cast any spell for war, but after the lost, they can get mithril from The Vanished Paladins, so no lose but gain for them.