Wedding System

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Ashaya3, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Deni if a there's a marriage system implemented will you marry me? XD
  2. And on this note I think I'll go ahead and delete the app. Way to go op
  3. Real question is why not? A lot of great things started as a ideal. So why not? Worse case it falls through and devs revoke it. Best case it enhances gameplay
  4. Or vest case this gets overlooked. In my opinion it doesn't fit in at all with kaw. Some ideas are asesome......Some make no sense.
  5. Didn't kingdoms during medieval times marry their children to the opposing kingdom to form an alliance?
  6. (Just wondering)
  7. Yeah role they did. As for mythical creatures weren't those all apart of the myths?
  8. Such an idiotic idea. we are playing as kingdoms as a whole. The point of this game is to build up buildings to increase ur strenght.
    There is already an alliance system.


    Now plz. Shut the hell up.
  9. And have babbies
  10. Marry me fiery ash? ️
  11. NORTHY MARRY ME!!! 
  12. Welcome to Kingdoms at Divorce, I hope you enjoy your time.
  13. They JUST integrated the relationship system in the new PIMD update, pls no ;-; . Pimd scares me.
  14. Op should go to pimd with the rest of the socially awkward weirdos
  15. ^

    Go rp with some perves.
  16. I'm not supporting or not supporting. I'm stating facts.
  17. And we could use polygamy to make several hundred alliances! Just like king Solomon!

  18. Yeeeeeeeah, nooooooooo...
  19. A ring?

    How big a stone are we talking about.

  20. For a classy lady like u Liz