I have played quite a few games and never had to get married.. Maybe in the board game 'Life' but this isn't Life
WoW implements this, RS did, RoM does, Rift does. The most succsssful mmos (with the exception of RoM) all implement this. Obviously its not the worst idea ever. And mr crowley brought up a point, as well as AJ. Historically, kingdoms have married to strengthen alliances, increase bonds, tie in loyalties. So not only is it a widely used thing, its also accurate in the lore of kingdoms.
I don't care if you marry your dog.. Go blow him for all I care but I don't want my war game littered with bi curious teens and old ass catfish creepers searching for wedding RP
Arch, all are. Except one per account. Since there is no gender system, there is no way to implement a no lgbt marriage thing.
Yea I never heard of those game.. World of War Craft is for greasy momma's boys who have no life but to get married to an Orc or an Elf.. Go get dressed up for Halloween and have a blast I don't roll like that
Dirty, your only issue is RP. I have disproved this. You are trolling. I must kindly ask you to leave. Ty.
Explain how it could be abused? I'm going to update a bit in the next hour and add a few things. Need to know how to fix the original idea.
Anyone can say there engage to scam the systems I will say im engage to get new rings plunder bonus I think all EE warriors will fake a marriage just for that war bonus.
The idea of it is each person needs the ring, and it needs to be equipped. If both parties are in same clan and same ee, then they can use the bonus. Not only does it promote some semblance of loyalty, you also sacrifice a ring to get the bonus. I'm not sure how this is abusable?
Wi you be able to do a pre nuptial contract? Incase she takes half your gold in the event of a divorce.
Crixus And btw, no. Just no support. Where is the old kaw....i miss it. Plz do not make kaw become a pimd game. Jut plz
Why and how is this making it like PiMD. Granted I have never played PiMd, but I assume it has no marriage system. So that brings us to RP. If you read the whole thread, I disproved RP ever being an issue, I proved that Kingdoms at War would be more historically accurate with a marriage system, thus making it more like a true kingdoms at War game. So please, read the thread again and post legitimate concerns.
I purposely avoid forums as I believe it kills brain cells, very very rarely reply, but to this one I do. QUIT CHEWING ON THE WINDOW SILLS, THE LEAD PAINT IS AFFECTING YOUR MIND. Of all the incompetent crap I have seen posted here, this by far sets the bar.
Incompetent? I sure hope you don't mean the idea. As stated, the idea actually brings a little more historical accuracy to the game.
Historically accurate ? We fight trolls and ghosts and dragons. There is not one instance of historical accuracy in the entire game . You just want to marry someone in the game . No one else does. /thread