Wedding System

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Ashaya3, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Hitting from pin is the manly way! YAUW IT IS!
  2. I saw you ask for RP and it was when you made this thread about marrying people
  3. Fail scout bombing is the noob way. Please come back when more than 1 of your 10 scouts is actually able to succeed.

    Perhaps ya didnt notice, but I didnt fail.
  4. If you are willing to fight me for months, then keep hitting. If not then get outta here.
  5. One bar of success or one bar of fails is nothing. Any hardened osw player knows that. It's the endurance that counts.
  6. I'm just giving you what you gave me. Are we done?
  7. Indeed I'm aware of this. Altho a 1v1 is usually boring as heck cuz no one hits back. Or very rarely anyways o.o
  8. Cf will be requested on this thread, and not by me.
  9. Stupid thread
  10. Still self pinning :(
  11. Let this thread die
  12. Not before i get my CF
  13. Brah I logged off after my last post.

    I don't CF. So lets see how quick you can get bored ;)
  14. You should have to do an RP on this thread for a cf
  15. Lol for hating rp, you sure wanna see it a lot.
  16. A unicorn fairy rp
  17. You just mithed. Omg that's funny.
  18. just testing [/red]
  19. Wow u really Support it?