Technically speaking, this entire game is roleplay. Every game is roleplay. Games ARE roleplay. Assuming the role of somebody else to do stuff.
No support, this ain't a dating sure if you couldn't tell, unless you wage all out war with yer GF/BF.
"Ehy look at me! im a queen in a kingdom in a fairy land, here everything is pink and we love ponies!" Denial, plz. Think about ur neurons
PimD actually added a relationship button recently. Apparently the longer you're "in a relationship" with another account, the more bonuses you get. Alt to main. Same as this. And no support you rp infested slag.
This couldn't be more retarded if it was riding the short bust with seven seat belts, a nice thick window beside it and a shirt that says my name is jeffy
So much hate So many childish insults to boot. What's more for all the hate and the insults people just love keeping this in AT :lol:
No support. It's a shocking idea. Why would you want to put marriage on KaW. I'm guessing op is young. Let me ask a question. How do you explain to your real life wife/partner that you have a virtual Wife????? I don't think you can, not in the real world. You have been trolled because your idea is not a very good one also you have not thought about it fully.
Marriage was implemented on another game I played… except it costed special, secondary types of currency to get. Eg. Gems, cash, gold, crystals, rubies. The currency that costed rl $. It was at $5, the benefits have roughly the same additional values (values of how much you would want it). I think this marriage should also cost rl money, maybe $7.50. It should be called something else, weddings sound a little off topic for a war game.
@Dave Lol, you can make your character have sex with another character in a 8 game, honestly, a dungeon game with special equipment and gear and quests, and it's 3D to.
If you think all girls like pink ponies and rainbows and **** like that, you have obviously never met a girl. That's not what being queen is like, an I apologize that you're too dense to understand simple war strategies from the medieval times, you close minded little boy. ️