i got 22 incoming hits after my matchup. attacks and steals. ur so braindead u cant even remember or you're lying because i called you out, either or enjoy the hits <3 luv barbie
Quote from SotUW__EsMeINcArNaTe__SotUW wall: From Barbie: "your owner chose the wrong target. read forums, ur in for a real awakening, u have no idea who i am" Response: "U chose the wrong target. Let me know so I have a target I can actually hit" :lol: :lol: :lol:
First off op, 22 hits ain't a unload. I'll show you what an unload from me and my alts looks like if you really want. Don't ever call ISO weak or sotuw a disgrace. I am proud to call them family even if I'm not with them at the moment. ISO would never in a million years randomly hit someone unless they deserved it. Quit complaining about getting hit in forums. This is kingdoms at WAR. Keyword, WAR don't wanna get hit? Go play FarmVille!