Discussion in 'Wars' started by T-Marie_thats-me, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. Lol no. I just have intel.
  2. Avatar you piece of ****, that's my popcorn gif.
  3. For an OSW some of you sure are hitting the EB a lot!
  4. You have Intel more like hearsay
  5. Exactly tabernac there's not much fighting going on we can't even hit half their members are in their clan because they're too small it's more of an annoyance than anything
  6. Lol Superman nice incomings
  7. It seems I lost the fucks that was suppose to give. Nevertheless, support to Deni. Don't know what side she is on, but I don't care 
  8. That's exactly the problem she tells people her side of the story and we get jumped on because she's more known then we are
  9. Lol. I suspected there would be a few posts like that*
  10. Hey Face, you an hit me *****. And I haven't had incoming. T-man and SunFart give me more inc than you
  11. Sorry, i was unloading while doing shots.
  12. Lol Superman

  13. I think there's a reasoning in that dag maybe it's because you're just a baby and I can't hit you
  14. Hell we can only hit the top three of lovelys clan and only the top two of years
  15. Tell Sunny and T-Man to step up and hit us more than!
  16. Why would we hit somebody That is of no danger
  17. Why? Because I have 50b to strip you bitches with!