Maybe you shouldn't hit people. Better yet... Don't hit guests, then label yours as *Observing War* Might have well have said *Target*
There seems to be some strange and angry people in Kaw in my opinion. Over issues that if you had children you would think, what am I doing wrong in how I bring them up. For them to act so OTT over an issues that if you blinked you would miss it. Well thanks to Toxic and his ability to wind people up, we have such a group of kaw players attacking us now. So Kaw land enjoy your game knowing at present they will not bother you. Now where's that fly swat............
Now how does that refer to my statement you said we're lying you pointed out your lies I pointed out they weren't lies and you bring up vodka
You're outlandish insults trying to slander my character has no effect whatsoever it just goes to show how childish and unreasonable you are