We PvP irl PEW PEW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llR_-I-_Pll_Delta_llR_-I-_Pll, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. I was in until you posted those girls that have no morale decency smh smh :p
  2. Pfft clumseh newb

    Join us

    Especially if you're farming HoG
    Extra hitters always welcome
  3. Ben try growing
  4. I don't want to I have fun at this size
  5. Cuz u bully noobs
  6. No. I'm a noob how would I bully other noobs?

    Also most of the people I hit are double if not triple my stats

    But they can still be noobs...


    I bully HoG noobs yes
  7. Their eb history is very impressive.
  8. Thanks north.

    We live and die by ebs
  9. Scary bunch in that clan 
  10. Ben I was being sarcastic. You suck pee.
  11. Fun is good. PEW PEW
  12. @-bendover-
    shame u ran from osw why dont u grow than i can have yr ass eh??
  13. Err, when did I ever run from an OSW?

    The only time I've ever wanted to stop was when you were farming a one day old clan because you are such might warriors and I didn't want it to fail.
  14. You all suck
  15. It's got everything this clan ...... Except the pew pew pew.......where's the inc snapperheads?? Guess the phew phew is the stench in ya underwear