Feel free, we will be training new comers in a system war first, then in primal. Match us when we done training will be good to see the results, not to mention a first win for some newer players.
The only people you have to blame for lack of new players joining EE is your own warrers. Only reason. So until you guys can figure out how to be nice to new EEers I see this as being very hypocritical. No support until you fix yourselves.
I love how everyone dwells in the past and complains. Instead of looking for solutions like this for the future. Blaming one group of people for clan wars going into the crapper is the wrong thought process. Season 1. The rise of gh. You didn't have gh you got wrecked. Season 2. Stacked roster. More gh. Lb and gh. Season 3. The end of most mid range hansels and build altogether. Clans became more selective. Sh come to rise. Season 4. Hansels come back. Hansel only roster becomes a thing. Roster stacking. Season 5. Indi. Straight Indi. 100% chance for anyone to war. Yet people all complain. The issue is that people aren't willing to try because of the niche that is in place. Support for higher primal numbers and fair match ups.
Terrible idea wars are dead event equip is so much better and nothing to achieve from wars... Plus matches suck anyways there's no good from them.
Bfa and bfe are excluded, its a war based on how well you and you team is built as well as experience, rather than just how many lb/sh you have in a round war.
If anyone would like to get involved u can pm me. we might get a war going to teach some new players the basics. Those who are complaining will just be missing out
That counts out Cow then lol Note YOU is used 3x. Don't comment on what u r not a part of lol Work on your build. Rome was not built in a day. I commend Ops n those being proactive. I laugh at those living in the past. GL
I TRIED being a part of it but guess what happened? My first war I was told by many members that I should never war again and that I should just go back to being an EB fairy. You wonder why EE is dying? It's because your fellow warrers tell new players to stop trying to war.
1st off don't say my fellow warriors speak for me. 2nd off tough it out if u like warring. 3rd we all had to start somewhere. GL
If i may I'd like to add some encouragement to new n old warriors alike. If u want to war just do it. Eg a build like mine took 4yrs to attain n when I'm in LB Tier I'm easy meat. Thats how it is n no complaints. If I'm in Tier 2 then i sit pretty n clannies rely heavily on me. That to is how it is. To all those keen to war stick it out n enjoy it best u can n seek advice when n where u need it. Pay no heed to other ppl talking down to u n use it as motivation. If ppl r so easily discouraged by others words thats by ones own choice.
Again I never said I didn't "tough it out." Also your fellow warrers may not speak for you, but they speak for all of warrers as a whole if they are all I've ever known. Back when most of you started, people who warred were actually welcoming of new players.