We need more levels of Shattered Sword

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Kinfeezi, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. Well some people don't want to pay to play
  2. People shouldn't be forced to xtal
  3. Too many levels.

    1 (3) day
    2 (14) day
    3 Perma Ban and one random building destroyed. collateral damage from leaving your post allowing the enemy to ransack your kingdom.
  4. I Like It Karma ;-) Now Wc Next Indi

  5. Lol no we don't, after 3 it should be perm ban
  6. Support Need to be harsher punishment for repeat offenders.
  7. It's a F2P game, not required to drop xtals if they don't want to no matter what you may say. Just because they don't buy xtals doesn't mean they are poor.. Such an ignorant statement to make.
  8. Support I hate inactives ! And I hate the excuses more or the people who do 1 action!!!

    And as for Xstals which keep getting mentioned maybe in indy wars they should just remove the xstal feature completely. I know how annoying it is that not everyone xstals. But then I do understand the part where people can't afford or are too young to buy xstals. So surely wiping out that part just for individuals would be better.

    It's different in your home clan people know what commitments they have to make. Just a thought ️ x
  9. Not true.
    Ask them nicely and do it in pm and everyone tells you 
    If you wc quite a bit, you kind of get to know who has an XTAL or not.
    Anyways, punishing people for not bringing/using XTAL is a load of bull. I've wc'ed wars and have not felt the need to XTAL at all at times. They are required though and are always welcome.
    Point is, we need to get more participation. Already it is low. Rewards suck.
    Honestly, EE5 is no longer worth it. I mean 50% bonus? You get 1000% bonus in events lol.
    If anything, devs need to adress that.

    What happened to those war xtals though? Bring them in for the cost of ingame gold and all these XTAL problems will be gone.
  10. I disagree.
    Xtal calls change the entire war.
    Without them, it will all depend on initial strat and sometimes, it just doesn't click. Xtals balance it out.
    Because, it's a battle of entire roster, not 2 War Commanders.
    Only answer is war xtals.
    But well, they were supposed to come out in s2, s3 max.
    Proves how much our developers care for us lol.
    I always bring xtals to Indi wars but war xtals would be nice
  11. How about a practice war.....
    Train n practice scout bombing.

    New war system..enter n war if u feel like it
    Guide: How to waste 2hrs of 30 ppls time.
    Was it a unanimous vote? As if its a choice
    Wonder why EE war struggles when arbitrarily war clans decide if they like the match up?

    Does this qualify for a new category of Shattered Swords?

    So here we have it....
    Many ppl in wc searching for an EE Primal clan.
    They get lucky or not if accepted. It could be a competitive war or a blow out but they wanted to war n accept the consequences. Then there is this travesty of sportsmanship n 2 clans set their own rules as they please. Other clans get no/bad match n r disappointed so this must be a real smack in the face to them.

    Does this not warrant discipline?
    Start as of now that any war with no winner gets both clans Shattered Swords.
    Clans can still call a CF as a choice.
    If clans arbitrarily rig a war result there can be repercussions n especially so if S5.

    The Collusion Sword
  12. Support Inactives are ruining wars and with higher punishments less inactives
  13. Inactives do ruin wars yes and there should be a bigger punishment. As for xtals sometimes a person/wc will feel it's not needed. Next what ever happened to those war xtals we were "promised" over a year ago in last January by the devs. Well we know how much they care about us vs. their events.
  14. I like how you assume I'm poor. I'm not rich, but I'm not poor by far. Secondly, any time I war I usually have80-103 successful actions... more than 9 of the 13.. and that's with out xtaling.

    Also I keep xtals from quest. I personally rarely spend on this game because I spend play money on my motorcycles and gear
  15. Everyone is saying "make a spell for people who don't xstal" or "don't war if you don't have xstal" yall need to shut up this game is Kingdoms at WAR and if you haven't noticed War is the main part of the game. ATA made this a free game for a reason. If you can't pay for xstals that doesn't mean you can't war. "You will make us loose" so what, everything isn't about winning its about having fun. To those who spent hundreds and thousands of dollars on this game I feel bad for you because that achieves nothing in real life
  16. They should get a electric shock through phone
  17. How about putting shattered swords in the same clan that way they can troll each other and people can war with out them