We have declared war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Terminator, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. You know... I have to say whiterabbit makes some good since.
  2. john iv got some butter, ill give it to you once i poo it out!

    It might have pieces of toast mixed in with it though! ;)
  3. Thats a lot of noob in one comment

  5. Wow, when people see eb stuff they complain about no PvP aspect, but when a clan goes into PvP, even if these are small newb clans, people go out and just troll them :roll:
  6. Playin if you had half a brain you would realize I said nothing of your clan hitting his. I said YOU hitting HIS clan.
    And you say salty failed on you. I don't buy it. Him and I have gotten at it before. And your stats are too minuscule to actually make him fail on you,

    Thank you @damascus
  7. Looks like white rabbit already pointed out what I did. Glad I'm not the only one feeling this way
  8. Haha white more then happy to post SS but only a couple have gone through haha
  9. Please do but be sure to include the last actual notification so we can see your actual newsfeed so you can't twist it.
  10. Support to rabbit's statements above. You all want PVP Off System promoted but when a smaller player rolls out a thread trying to do such we all jump on the troll bandwagon?

    No logic :lol:
  11. Just a joke i support pvp/ osw and bl
  12. Yeah playin, provide some ss of me kickin ur ass
  13. Who cares if salty's hits are successful or not.
    You can fail attacks all day and still beat someone into submission.
  14. Hey andy that butter you gave me had corn in it? neways needs a little more garlic to add more flavor…thanks…this thread is getting better and better …;)
  15. So I noticed mtp left brotherhood? What's up with that?
  16. I'm too strong for your clan's strongest member :( I will have to join you in this battle
  17. I wonder if somebody has been hitting him rabbit :lol:
  18. #1 in the-brotherhood has been DTW'ed