We Are Rogue

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by WAR-Rogue-RAW, Dec 26, 2014.

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  1. I am the trashiest nub by far
  2. Congrats to all of you... you are a great bunch of peeps n I'm happy that I know some of you :-*
    Keep up the great work... cya next year :D
  3. Why yu do dis?
  4. Support 
  5. Bruh u actually changed your name to match his? 

    That's how u know ur butthurt
  6. My war is over a stolen name, bet he wouldn't have supported a clan with kotfe in their name.. But I'm sure you don't know anything about what I speak of lolol 

  7. Ur right idc. And neither does forums.
  8. Guess the fact that you cared to post 9 mins. After me and now you don't care makes me pretty good
  9. Support to great people out there cheers to another year!
  10. :lol: Shows what you know about SoS and KotFE lmao I'd fight them again any day
  11. We stepped in because you were forcing a small clan to disband and use a new name simply because you want a monopoly on the word "rogue" in KaW :lol: you're a joke
  12. I don't claim to know anything about kotfe, I know about you though and lets just say that comment you just made is laughable at best. I couldn't imagine you would do very well fighting kotfe since your doing a horrible job fighting us haha huhu
  13. You stepped in because you thought a couple terror strips and getting zombie to log on his alts 5 times in 2 days would get you an easy cf. Now your clan suffers muhuhahaha
  14. Both franks suck and both clans are jokes. Y'all can stop arguing now, K?
  15. We don't do terror strips nub. Zombie can do whatever he wants, he just likes to pound noobs who think their the shizz. And I'm not sure how you think we're suffering :lol: osw brings my clan back to life lol
  16. Lol cool story V no ones cares what you think
  17. That's great, let me know when they're back to life 
  18. Well zombie cared when he basically asked for a cf after 24 hours. "I don't want to fight someone who I learned to osw with" that was golden.
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