Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Wulf, Apr 1, 2015.

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  1. I am the superior Paige. 
    Yes IMF. What a wonderful idea 
  2. ...
  3. Wait I'm confused.
    WDGAF got allied with Apoc?

    WGAF is currently in OSW vs RCA family.
    --Sparta--Elite is Allied with RCA, But is also allied with WDGAF now
    --Sparta--Elite is Apoc

    Pls enlighten me
  4. OSW died when all the big alliances kept merging including ZAFT, and I'm saying that as a ZAFT member. I've just never been a big fan of the "Can't beat'em join'em" way of eliminating threats.

    This osw is the end of kaw. It's Manny vs Floyd. It's what everyone's been waiting for. As that fight marks the end of a dying sport, this osw marks the end of a dying game.
  5. I think it's

    New Age Apoc WDGAF

  6. i dont feel like enlightening you playboy, stay lost fool. Support btw 
  7. I would like to clear something up. Can't believe the crap I am reading, all the lies, all the gibberish, and I am truly pissed 


    Everyone knows I am the sexiest in Apoc 

    Now my sexiest can over run KAW

    Disclaimer tim still had the largest ummm...
  8. Tim is life, Tim is love.

  9. Well. I can explain this easily enough

    I'm family with Realms and RPL. If they war, I assist neither. Rca is warring wdgaf. Sparta elite is playing Switzerland. Simple. ️️
  10. Rca and ig vs WDGAF, wdgaf now apoc, apoc fighting Zaft , da hell ...
  11. Everyone in this thread is sooo confused. Just let me clear up all the confusion.

    Now I don't mean to start trouble with our new family members in Apoc. But I think they are seriously ill informed.

    I am the sexiest player in WDGAPOC. Nobody will ever change that. 
  12. Pics or it never happened
  13. Of the alliance or the sexiness?

    I vote yes.
  14. Don't let that big freaky midget guy catch you saying that 
  15. What does a midget porn loving freak know about sexiness? 
  16. Rca, "ig"norance and evictus vs WDGAPOC*
  17. Lolol "big freaky midget guy"
  18. Darn, I was totally going to create my own super clan of apoc and wdgaf.

    I already hired the caterers and a Gallagher impersonator. All thoses watermelons are now going to waste.
  19. You can send the watermelons to me.  I love shooting them.... and eating them.
  20. Yay! This reminds me of a movie 
    Can't remember which one. Here have a cookie!
    We don't give Apoc! Catchy!

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