Hahaha LP022! Don't mind bmikes, he's just one of those 'apoc trolls who fall for blazey's bating', as Weez said on the other thread. I remember ur wall at the time of incident and whoever saw that wall will know that it was more than reasonable for u guys to get involved. I'd be surprised if u didn't lol
Not me Chubby silly. The other one. Geez do you really need names mentioned? Or are you just deflecting again?
225? When you decided to not help you clan and clanmates in osw? You were an admin here than when osw started you never came back from season 4 or 5 But hey that's not running right? I apologize
You do realize that you just agreed that its ok to request cf as long as your fury . Hmm but if you request cf as any other family clan in zaft your a runner hmm shows how much fury considers zaft equals and family i think not .
Fury had 1 or two runners that weren't tested in our osw yet. No, it's not ok to run if u're Fury or whoever. They are who they are and it is what it is. Apoc had runners too - it's just a part of weeding out the weaker players. But we here at Fury only had one lb who left this osw, and no, he didn't run. Once again, circumstances of him leaving are none of ur business but he is not a runner. He's dearly missed and respected. Things aren't always as they seem but u won't know cos u don't know how to look outside the box..as of u calling those who requested cf 'runners' - u may wanna check with ur leadership, cos vix said apoc will never consider them runners and u obviously do..it's only for us to decide lol
Im not calling them runners you have and so has many in fury have. Proof is on other thread where YOU have personally called silph a runner and many from genesis runners on there new recruitment thread try agian sugar you can try all you want but you can back pedal now lol
U're right about one thing - it's a wrong thread. U called them runners in a different one..but again, we are the ones to decide if they're runners or not, cos apoc doesn't consider them as such regardless of circumstances, and yes - silph is a runner n33za isn't. I hope it answers ur question u've been asking for so long lol
actually as most people who left Zaft (including Fury in that) and War didnt leave because they were scared to war, most were war proven, they left because of leadership or disagreeing with the reasons for fighting Thus most arent considered runners in our eyes This is a game at the end of the day, everyone has a right to enjoy the way they play it and if leadership is causing someone to be discontent with KaW then it makes sense to move on Completely different to genuine runners who just dont want to war full stop lol
Some people run - morning and night - for the sake of good health. Like Jim Fixx. He died of a giant heart attack while he was jogging, unfortunately, thus proving running is bad for you. Poor fella.
. Oh please.. U said that 'no one who leaves this war is gonna be considered a runner'..now it's 'most'? And are u saying neezy left because of 'poor leadership'? Nightmare (not the big ego one) was talking about one particular player - the only lb Fury had, so let's not get side tracked in apoc propaganda
Nice try to switch words but i was only refering to what you called them zaft runners. Now what i was clearly getting at is " ok now lets try this agian so you can fully understand" you called out so many ppl for so called (running) your words not mine "requesting cf" from this osw but yet when fury members do it you said it wasnt running which seems hypocritical. Meaning it is ok to request cf and not be considered a runner (your words not mine) as long as you used to be a fury member. So which infact you are pretty much downgrading zafy and your family. I was never trying to call them out just wondering why it was ok in your eyes that they can request cf and not be considered "runners" your words not mine but yet zaft ppl are?
Fun fact : click my Queenvasia post bottom of my wall . Says all you need to know about wdgaf great leader that worked so hard for his stats
Hey Russian. I heard Ur not a punishment to look at. By age thirteen I was buckwild, good at my knuckle game Made it through a tough childhood never be the same Walked in my daddy's shoes No time to be a peaceful man had to shatter fools That's 'til I put my eyes on you God damn, sweetheart you got some thighs on you Now I can't wait to get you home, get you all alone In my bedroom, baby can we bone, and get it on Tell me lady how you like me and if you want it harder baby, come and bite me but do it lightly; cause that excites me to let it pop And if you lick me right, I'll do it all night Only got ****** by a drug dealer Never felt the real passion of a thug ***** (haha) Though I like the way you scream when you lovin me I'm goin deep, it's the thug in me; so whatchu sayin girl