Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Wulf, Apr 1, 2015.

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  1. Thanks for your side if the history lesson  I can see you have grown your accounts so much since and have gotten over it 
  2. This was a bank of mine, reset my other accounts when trying to retire. You've obviously never been in the leadership side of Fury
  3. How many people still think its a prank? And not just a merge thatbseems so insane that it MuST be aprils fools? ;)
  4. Maybe it would be more believable if anyone cared.
  5. Woah. No need to be so salty there buddy. You guys just chose the wrong side.
  6. If you aren't in WDGAPOC, then Ur just a victim. And all these victims do is cry 

  7. Bby I'm scared let me join yew
  8. @bmikes lol bro it seems Fury's doing just fine. We've grown over time, has hog? If u want to bring up members leaving, should I name names? Don't throw stones in a glasshouse bro.

    @mare, OSW is ongoing, What happened to your swift decisive victory?
  9. That's where ur true 'intelligence' comes out. No, I didn't go inactive. I took a long break about 3 weeks after cf was called. Yes, I left MOST rooms on my main third party account..get it? Lol I stopped talking completely to the majority of oG peeps, because watching all the drama unfold and banned poppa/momma try hard to involve oG in RCA war, and get everyone against Fury was entertaining enough lol still have all ss. And I xtalled on every single strip until cf was in place. In fact, the very last strip was on belle and cf was called few hours later. Ur 'knowledge' is limited to what u been fed with, like bmikes's. Who, even tho being in oG clan, was supporting his friends on the other side and 'retired' from kaw but not third party apps towards the end of the war. So we can't blame him for having a very biased opinion. Only a few would know for a fact that I was active till the end of war. Because I really don't care what drama queens and muppets like u think of me.

    This thread is completely irrelevant to any osw and is actually pretty funny, so I suggest u stop taking it off topic and can rage on my wall moving forward :)

    On the side note: Wulf, do u remember the April fools joke few years back, when sin monkey was said to become a mod? The kawmunity shock was the best
  10. If this thread wasn't a joke, I can only imagine the chaos and drama caused by hog leaders being a loooooong time friends with RCA leadership. It'll be interesting to see how soon wdgaf starts realizing that poppa/momma are ratting them out lol
  11. Just because zaft hasn't conceded. Doesn't mean they aren't defeated 

  12. o_O on a side note Does anyone remember when some in fury cough lb cough ran from osw and funny how someone cough russian spy cough who cant stand runners and calls out zaft lb and many zaft ppl who left osw and yet shows support to those who use to b fury who left osw. Hmmm i guess it is ok to leave osw as long as your fury? Sorry other zaft clans
  13. #itsoktorequestcfaslongasyourfury
  14. The fury lb that left during osw was adonis ice machine but that was a while ago
  15. Yes it does. Otherwise why do ur meatshields still getting stripped? Lol
  16. Don't be another primitive thinker. n33za didn't run, however, the circumstances of him leaving is none of ur biz
  17. X factor req cf to WDGAF.. Fury fight outnumbered against the most powerful force on the game. Yet you say X factor are the tougher warriors? Come on now.. I respect all parties but that's weak
  18. Bmikes: First of all if you are going to use my "full name", spell it correctly. I mean for heavens sake is it so hard to get 5 whole digits correct? My name in fact has a zero not the letter 'o' in it for the record.

    Second whether FAITH entered the war or not was controlled only by FAITH council decision, which contained no ZAFT members.

    Third "yes, zrek hit Lp for a large sum of allies".....1-2 50b allies that were underpriced for their stats is "large sum" to you? Lmfao. 50b allies were maybe considered large sum in 2010 hun, they were the hot trading range at the time lol

    Fourth zrek was too small for laoda to hit at the time. Ld was either ranked 2 or 3 at time of that war, ld would have been DTS and even if that weren't the case laoda would not have "failed" any steals with his strength at the time.

    Fifth I never cared zrek hit me over ally hires lol I'm a big girl I can take a hit. Technically he first hire hit my little hansel alt though instead of my main lol He hired his ally back, hit my alt, I returned hits with my main because I don't hide behind my alts I hit with my main, he hit back and wall posts ensued. I was happy to continue a 1 v 1 with him, but then his little hog buddies decided to jump in on the fun and threaten to come after me after their war with ZAFT....and we have grounds for escalation ladies and gentleman.

    How Bmikes you can still believe after so many years later think that laoda and ZAFT were masterminds behind that event blows my fragile little mind. If you are going to throw my name into a thread about a war that ended almost two years ago, here is my official statement:

    I think we were fully justified in joining for the reasons we had at the time which were not isolated to my interaction to zrek and his cronies. I was not then nor am now a puppet controlled by ld or ZAFT, I am capable of forming my own thoughts and feelings about things that impact me, and would greatly appreciate if you refrained from portraying me in any way contrary to this statement in the future should you find you are not able to move on from a war that ended 2 years ago or in instances where you are trying to defend your clan mate from the cheeky post from the barcoded russianspy dude on a forum thread. Take care now and happy Kawing 
  19. People only notice and remember what's comfortable for them. Like, they forgot that MG was a top 30 lb clan when Fury being well bellow top 50 started a war against them. Now all we hear is that Fury fought a weaker clan - lol well guess who made them weaker? And no X factor was involved, so I can see why all the butthurt..
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