Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Wulf, Apr 1, 2015.

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  1. And as to my clan. They are family. More respect foe them than yours thats for sure. Yeah, am i sad that i come back and see fury like this? Yes, but its tears for you i shed, as your the misled. My family is no bottom feeder, and weve been together for as long as can remember. We stick together, not like some....
  2. Cool story bro
  3. Wow zrek Maddog musta hurt you real good. Cool story but why don't Ya add the bit where u brought faith into the first Zaft/apoc war at a point when apoc was going to win, then how Fury merged with hog so yall could save face after poppa n momma got banned. That doesn't sound like backstabbing to me.

    In ur eyes backstabbing is not supporting poppas war? Days after he turns up in our enemy clan claiming "peace talks". A friend would have asked Fury leadership if we wanted peace, not just waltzed into enemy clan like a big shot we had our war, you had yours. Poppa supported our enemy, y would we support him?

    Go ask the owner of one of your allied clans to clarify if you think I'm mistaken 
  4. This is great news for anyone apoc that failed pre algebra . Iqueen can help you out with problem solving for example - 10/10 = 100%
    7/10 = 70%
    And 5/10= 50 %
    Then he will put on his sun glasses flex his flappers for helping with such difficult math equations .
  5. Ooo so that's the nub who brought Faith into Zaft vs apoc war
    He's now just where he belongs
  6. Wait... 5/5=50%? Watch your math there buddy...
  7. Obviously he didn't make it to algebra with the epic fail of elementary mathematics. Love when the marker sniffers add idiocy to posts
  8. ★R∑GμL∆†oR§★₩Ð₲₳P☣Ć̸★

    I got my copy paste ready - Does this mean I have to stop farming -IMF-?
  9. Best of 
  10. Thank you pointing out my miss print . Was hoping Iqueen would notice and show his / her coward account
  11. Lmao. OK wait wait wait, blazey didn't you run/go inactive last half of lr/bh war ??? I sure the **** don't remember seeing you in any strip rooms council rooms etc... I usually don't trip but be real lol. You are hot tho . And I can remember lady going nuts cuz og wouldn't join "yalls" "civil war". And poppa joined the enemy huh ? Wasent ig and fury both og at that time ? And yall still working with feelings over that ? You do realize thats like me arguing with my wife, calling you and asking you to come slap her for me !!! #realshit. Rinus,hk bren much love they the truth. Blazey you remind me of a quamquat.ugly and rough looking on the outside, but soft and sweet as hell on the inside. Since you open your mouth so much, 1 question can you suck peanut butter through a straw... #thePEOPLEwanttoknow...
  12. Wdgaf sucks. # idgaf
  13. Ig wasnt og after the war began, multiple leaders stated only the real ig which merged with Fury were og
  14. Lol. Point proven about lady's noob rage in council rooms !!!
  15. #imdone
    *drops mic*
  16. Sounds like a gay club..support
  17. Drop the mic and lets party
  18. Omar ~ post with your main you coward . Or you just to scared the truth will be revealed ( speaking of IG )
  19. I felt a sense of duty to respond to mercy's comments directed towards Blazey.

    I've been accused of many things, but the one thing I've never been is the jerk that doesn't understand real life comes first - and that real life doesn't march to the beat of KAW.
  20. There is truth in what Maddog/fake Elvis speaks, but that was three years ago. The first Zaft war Fury was still a nobel bunch. But the whole escapade with iG changed the face and values of Fury. That war, which was pointless was their downfall. The war created internal strife and forced the hand of those who are true to leave (X Factor) amongst others. I spoke with many during this transition who were in igxf at the time and none were pleased with the leadership. They all mentioned how things were changing and how the "leaders" were more concerned with landing a name as legendary as iG to the Fury Brand.

    Yes, poppa went to put an end to the internal battle of fury/iG (oG) because there were bigger matters on the table. Anyone who is in the right mind would have done the same and the old X's Fury would of been reasonable. Instead your gang of misfits have been on a prowess to stab everyone in the back who were once considered friends/family.

    On another note, the Faith entering the war comment was in no one but Zaft's control. Faith and Zaft have had a long standing respect for another and were allies despite not being mentioned on their clan page. The ally hires by LPo22 on zrek were planned by Zaft. What's more interesting about it, LP wasn't even apart of faith nor was she the owner when the event occurred; however, as soon as it happened she returned to Faith, took back ownership and entered the war to aid their allies Zaft. This was a strategic play of Laoda. Yes, zrek hit Lp for hiring a large sum of allies, but that would have been okay if the concluding wasn't present.... Her hires were followed by Laoda inc and failed steals. Not a strip but a statement.

    So when trying to point fingers, first be sure to pull your hand out of your ass and wash it. And if you're going to continually try and derail this thread you can leave.


    WDGApoc 
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