Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Wulf, Apr 1, 2015.

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  1. How your not banned from forums astounds me, everything you post is spam and pointless

  2. I wanna see an osw between WDGAF/Apocalypse and ZAFT/Invictus ;)
  3. I thought that pretty lady booty is -applegirl-
  4. Hello pervy, nice to see you got the courage to buy allies again. I was worried when you stayed naked for months :/
  5. Hahaa sprinkles are for winners Ty!

  6. So, this wasn't April fools :lol:
  7. So, what does wdgapoc stand for? Are they just taking away the meaning of wdgaf?
  8. Tron's that douche that looks around for someone to "high five" him after he comes up with his latest "burn"... But there is no one else around, so... He high fives himself. 
  9. Best forums April fools 2015 prank 
  10. Lmao
  11. Lol scariest thread I've ever read.

    I could just see it now, war one clan, 260 clans attack us then LSA gets to make a forum like "In our most recent 25 vs 17,000 war..!" :lol: :lol:

  12. This isn't a prank
  13. So you're telling us most of the major OSW clans merged together? Beware KaW 
  14. When it's April 2nd..... Still allies

  15. I think no. RCA are allied with some Apoc clans.
  16. Also Clan A HQ is Allied with other RCA clan
    RCA WDGAF OSW is so...
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