wc hires, my thoughts and suggestions for change

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Defiant, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. Thanks for all the support, suggestions and opinions so far.

    Devs can't make it sticky as its not the right type of thread which is fine.

    In light of non sticky I encourage other lb / vets / ally traders or just typical kaw joe's to post opinions and suggestions on this thread to try and keep it semi alive so more good can come from it and hopefully more players will be encouraged to change and help.
  2. Very well said with alot of useful info for those that want to learn the art of ally trading. I have been trying for months to really figure this stuff out but i havnt quite grasped it yet.

    My biggest problem has been learning what is over and underpriced for each price range. Maybe someone can give me a few tips about this. Either wall, pm me if anyone is willing to help a noob out
  3. Bump - still useful.
  4. Not to stray off subject completely. But a question for the OP. I am not pointing at you directly but many know that their are a large group of players in your clan than farm/hit excessively over ally buys. Just seems strange to me that giving advice about ally trading from a clan that is very defensive about their allies. What is your advice in this situation?
  5. Respected for having the balls to ask this question after 5 pages 
  6. Well done Defiant. Good thread
  7. Well worded and thought through. Full support!
  8. A player followed and wrote me this, but preferred to not take any heat from zaft so I have reported on their behalf:

    Better worth allies are faster to ally trade: they sell faster than normal and are viewed as relatively cheap for their intrinsic value (various players attribute different factors to an ally's worth - activity, propack, builds etc although many consider mostly CS or spy proportion/bfa). Hence why many say: Overpriced them if you wanna keep them because if the ally is seem as cheap by the masses, it'll sell.

    "Hire hit is not wrong. Saying it's a free market isn't wrong either. So where does an individual draw the line? Somehow, any rational player needs and hires allies. But it seems selfish to wanna keep them all especially if they are dirt cheap. Banners such as "do not hire allies above XYZ amount" or "do not hire ABC name/friend/alt/clannie" if the amount/hire value seems reasonably high, seem ok to me.

    Back to OP, even if the objective of this thread is to teach players and reduce WC ads, fact remains that if they get hire hits (and assume they learn a lesson), they start hiring not-so-cheap/not-fast-to-sell allies and therefore go back to WC to advertise because...well, did someone say ally trade is one of the fastest way to grow?

    Vicious circle. Hire hit leads to more WC ads. Even if OP teaches the art of ally trading, as long as people hire hit, new ally traders hire more expensive ones and therefore resort to WC to sell them. "Hi, welcome to ally trading 101. Welcome gift ranges from 1FB to few xtals depends". Best is to advocate a free market. One that is really free for all"
  9. Resilient one I know who you are trying to refer on hire and hit. Fact of the matter is if someone puts in his/manner not to hire - then do not hire from that person. If you have been hit, move on take a deep breath and calm down.

    Overall it is a nice thread with proper intention to educate new bees on ally trade. Resilient you should respect it because OP has put effort and time to highlight importance of ally trade.

    Good one Def keep it up :)
  10. Res,

    Good question. I don't whack over hires unless in osw or some kinda drama. You will rarely see my status faking war or drama to avoid hires. Personally I don't see why players don't want hires as its free profit but each own.

    ZD doesn't support whacks over hires. If perms choose to do so then that's upto them same as your clan or anyone else. If drama then starts then its a case of looking at the drama and seeing what the score is.

    as ZAFT has an extremely successful ally trading room in a third party app run by a ZD trader answer admin with over 200 members learning and trading I don't think you can class ZD as being a clan full of defensive players. I think it's more a case of a few players don't wanna to be shopped.

    if you or anyone wanna turn this into a ZAFT thing I'm sorry but I won't rise to that. This thread was made with an honest genuine desire to help and try and change even a few people in kaw.

    Although I'm ZAFT this post isn't about clans and I think it should stay that way please.

    If you or anyone wish to discuss any ZD ally related drama I'm more then happy to discuss in pm but please all lets not use this genuine thread to get into clans and issues as its about trying to change.

    I hope the above kinda goes some way to prove my sincere desire to keep this thread about allies and change not clans.
  11. I want to thank you for writing this. I knew most of it but it did teach me some stuff. Hopefully it will better kaw.
  12. Thanks iced and I hope your trading and growth benefits from it
  13. Tyrant and defiany I am speaking of no particular individual. And zaft isn't the only guilty party. Was not my intention to single any person out even though the majority stem from there, partially since zaft holds a great deal of ally real estate across Kaw.
    Hypothetically, this thread takes off, ally trading which is already quite active right now soars. This has a reverse bottleneck effect on anyone who has aquired a great deal of allies in this game. Before we know it your forced to buy less attractive allies, or deal with those who just don't wish to sell. Being as though its is the desire to grow and turn a profit I am guessing it is the goal of most of these future ally traders to find themselves in a position similar to ours(LB) and just looking for your serious thoughts on how to deal with this issue when your trading takes off, your ally slots begin to fill and your taken into a level that gives you very few options
  14. Thing is like trading is a risk, hiring off someone with "allies not for sale" is also a risk as many in kaw with whack as they just don't want to be shopped.

    Truth of the matter is many will whack and run bars and strip over hires. Again that's true of most clans.

    Personally I check banners. If the status is genuine I give benefit of doubt and move on if I feel it's bs I'll hire and I guess take my chances.

    As my personal allies are for sale I dislike hire and whacks but I respect others different view to kaw.

    I also follow and ask players if I really want to hire the ally. Ill ask respectfully and go off how I'm treated in return.
  15. Resillant_One, very interesting remarks by an ally LB player.

    I just had a quick look at the top 20s banners (ally LB of course, ok I also looked at the number 21 ;) ) and it more or less confirmed what I suspected. 3/4 of them have very clear messages to people tempted to buy their allies.

    I do understand very well why those players don't want their allies volleyed into the overpriced market segment. The gold numbers implied are simply huge and some might lose a few places on the ally LB . This artificial market regulation by force will however break down at a certain point... it is just deferring the inevitable. I wonder how you deal with it, Resiliant_One.

    I wonder if being an active ally trader tactic as LB player would be more viable, or maybe the turnover would be too large to be manageable? I would guess that the profits could be that high to even fuel one's growth to be able to stay at the top of the LB...

    I have to say that this mostly applies to the ally market segment of prices over 400b. I guess that the few ally traders in that segment have golden opportunities to sell their allies to the hlbc community who prefer to buy slightly less cheaper allies (for keeping them) than risk the drama of a deal gone wrong...
  16. The banners is one issue that wont be easy to solve, unless it happens at the same time throughout the game.

    The problem here is not that one single clan has said hire-hit players, but its those that are big, strong alliances with a HEAVY backing in terms of both funds, and friends/clans etc. which small-time traders, or just small traders, such as I, are (with exceptions) afraid to hire allies from, unless they have an allies for sale banner. I completely avoid hiring from LB for the sole purpose that its taken me several months to achieve any sort of amount of gold that is worth trading with. If an LB player wanted to, they could easily clean me out inside a couple hours im sure.

    Once this air of intimidation/fear about hiring these extremely well priced allies goes, things will be much better in terms of pricing vs stat, or rather whatever a player might deem of worth in an ally.

    The same issue has a reverse effect though. If you are in one of these big alliances which has lots of funds/friends, or you are much bigger in all terms, stats, bfa, bfe, propacks and all, then you can hire from those who do not like their allies hired with less fear of impending destruction/cleaning, because you can easily reverse it, and everything will be back to normal minus a few bil here or there.

    The ally market is severely inflated. This is the core of the issue, as now in WC it is not only the smaller players who dont know about max plunder or ally trading but also the bigger players who are stuck with trading allies that wont shift because the market ranges shift so much with inflated allies that things literally grind to a standstill. Ive sold more allies when players thought I was inactive/clanless than I did sitting in clan.

    Checking banners is fine, but it doesnt always work. Lately in particular, more and more of those banners are popping up. Genuine I can understand, such as an osw banner or you're in a 1v1, even EE, but without a valid reason, I cannot understand for the life of me. You make profit. There are many other new allies that are not so overpriced and are very much so worth it, so why not hire those instead.

    Please note, I do not speak about an individual or group of players. Instead, I am remarking on how your longevity and backing through your accomplishments etc. can leave you in a much more advanced position compared to the have-not's, which ultimately leads to inflated allies being sold on WC.

    It is my personal opinion, that if this gradually eases off, the whole system will slowly deflate and the value of good allies will truly reflect their worth.

    Sidenote - Anyone else's ranges completely flooded with extremely overpriced Guild hansels? Ive increased my ranges by over 100b to try and avoid them, but they're EVERYWHERE.
  17. Totally agree on everything, Mango.

    Yes, the guild hansel phenomenon ist strange. Try starting a guild hansel alt and you'll find yourself pretty quickly at a 100b price with just lowland complete. Why would anyone sane even pay such a price for someone who obviously won't grow anytime soon?

    I somehow even suspect that some of the high priced guild hansels are players who teared down their builds...
  18. I can't really complain, I'm a 400b guild hansel myself :lol:
  19. Some women simple are priceless ;)

    Most of these ridiculously priced guild hansels seem to have their origin during last EE Trial season.

    Isn't the ally market and its dynamics fascinating?
  20. Bump: We need more of these threads in forums/Active Topics.