wc hires, my thoughts and suggestions for change

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Defiant, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. @wasted - you are most likely correct, wc won't change but if enough of kaw realise some of the point I was making its a positive step in the right direction. Regardless of outcome I know my time was well spent making the thread due to the positive comments here and a few in my pm from players that have picked up a few tips or have begun to see kaw more connected.

    No change happens over night and I've played to long to expect wc to change instantly but if more support and contribute to this thread and tell players to read it can only make wc better and help more people.
  2. We need sticky. Also...wow, haven't seems a thread like this In a long time
  3. Great post, Defiant. I also do a fair bit of ally trading and will say that, while it can be frustrating to see some of the underpriced allies that are held by some players, at the end of the day, I believe that I am still growing my bfa more by ally trading than by hanging on to underpriced allies. Simply put, there is a lot of money to be made in this game through ally trading.

    I love ally chat. There are people who use it. My owner is Spoonlord, and he has owned me for 2 years and has spoken to me nearly every day. I look forward to my "good morning dear allies and owner" every morning. And I feel like I know Gwen and company from seeing the other sides of his convo with them. Because I have had him as an example of a good owner, I try to talk to my allies as much as I can. Perhaps I am being simplistic, but I think this game is more about the people than hitting a button. If you know your allies and talk to them, they also are less likely to quit because they have a 'friend'. To all the bigger players, remember when you weren't big and didn't understand the game, and didn't know anyone....what reason do you really have to continue playing?

    Lastly, to add my 2 cents on ally hiring strategy (although there are many others who are much better than me), try to focus on smaller allies. They give better BFA, and they grow more quickly which means faster turnover and more profit.
  4. Well said defiant. Well done you!
  5. Support! Great post  is there somebody that want to teach me? Follow please
  6. Well written and thought out thread mate nicely done 
  7. It's nice to see a thought out thread in forums for a change.
    I've tried ally trading before but struggled to get allies to sell at the larger price brackets.

    Support to trying to get more people ally trading.
  8. NICE thread defiant 
  9. Hire my allies!
  10. Bump - content needs to be spread.
  11. Excellent read, I love how your introduction consists of a little rant to lead into a very well written explanation of one of the most important mechanisms of the game. This wasn´t a rant, but an intelligent article about allies and their use in kaw.

    Besides explaining in a few words the importance of allies, you are going to the root of the problem by giving some food for thought to the larger community (as well as to clan owners/admins). Some very pertinent observations from you and Mango...

    One thing that you come to realize with time: Try to teach your knowledge to other players, and you will be rewarded twice; first by making friends, second by grasping the concepts you try to explain yourself.

    Having been a bit myself in the ally trading business, I can say that it is a fascinating parallel world in kaw. Like trading stocks on Wall Street, it is a market that Looks straightforward on the surface, but gets influenced by all kind of external factors (EE Trials, osws, reset Bonus removal, guild hansel fashion, new building tiers, and so on...). I still remember the few times discussing market internals with Mango while waiting for our troops to regen, it´s really fascinating and addictive...
  12. Support for both defiant and mangos posts. And a bump to keep this alive and kicking.

    It doesn't take much to have a few well worded posts saved on your phones ready to paste onto ppls walls when they first join your clan. We used to have a mp, bfa, volley and def pots post amongst others. Sadly though, a lot of these clan owners are still green themselves because its so easy to create a clan nowadays.

    And to the 'don't buy my ally' and 'don't hire me I LOVE my owner and will reset' people... Do you ever consider that it's those very statuses that make ppl buy  It usually means a quick buyback (and a quick profit). Allies are fair game - and as ppl hav already said... overprice them if you want to keep them. Usually these allies have great stats and are hugely underpriced so are attractive buys (there's always that risk that some may rage reset, though not as likely as you might think)

    I for one have been neglecting ally chat lately - so I will make an effort now lol watch out little allies - Im comin 
  13. One thing i will say is this is not solely the owner's problem. The culture of not utilising your ally chat stems from owners, yes, but it is the allies themselves that want to learn who need to speak up.

    A group of opinions or a debate on the best approach is one thing i always enjoy, but that cannot happen if you only take your clan's point of view. Your owner in particular will care the most about your growth, because it directly benefits them. Your clan does not have the same basis for advice.

    Many owners (hopefully) are willing to offer the right advice or at least point you to someone who knows the real way or can take the time to offer you an opinion, and possibly educate the owner too to learn and share themselves.

    Unfortunately, this is an issue that has two roots which need solving simultaneously, even though they will egg each other on untul satisfaction.

    If they wont talk in ac but you do, wall them and tell them to.
  14. Though I did admit on your (Mango) ally trading guide never using the ac... I have to say in my defense that I usually had a more straight and personal approach by using wall posts and pm. Quite a lot of inexperienced allies will in fact follow you spontaneously, or at least after you walled them a tip.

    The ac always seemed like a strange place to me. I see half conversations there and usually haven't the slightest idea of who's lurking or not. It might be a tool for breaking the ice, but I don't think I'll ever have lengthy discussions in there.
  15. Thanks for taking the time to write this -it's full of hints I would've found useful. I hope it gets stickied because its worth re-reading if you're new to trading. I always check for eb activity in the clans recent history.
  16. Nice thread Def ... Thank you 
  17. Well isn't it ironic? I was once hired hit by a player who posted support here. And he's not even in wars 

    Gr8 ideals but I'm afraid it will not happen. Some clans and players hav already gained such a nice reputation for hogging underpriced allies tat ppl naturally skip them to avoid unnecessary trouble.

    Screw bfa. Bfe is the way to go now. Dump the allies and get few more mil worth of spy def . Get yrself a Gd ee war clan for a season and u most prob earn more bfe worth than the bfa of player with 5,6t worth of allies
  18. Support