WC Debate: Do Violent Video Games Make Kids More Violent?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by greatkingfrank, May 20, 2015.

  1. Frank: That's the point parents aren't educated. They don't know what's games are good and what games are bad. Don't get me wrong most parents are educated when it comes to these stuff but, the majority of parents aren't educated. You can't blame the parents.
  2. If the parent puts no effort into finding out why the game is rated the way it is then yes it is their fault
  3. Yeah, you can. You can blame them for NOT KNOWING THAT THEIR CHILDREN ARE SHOOTING UNARMED CIVILIANS IN AN AIRPORT. But you also have to blame those who commit the crime. It's not all the parents fault. It's almost entirely the kid's fault. But the parents aren't educated about the media these kids are seeing, so the parents have no idea whether the kids have a problem with the violence of the game. Should there be some system to help parents understand? Yeah. Should it be made a law that the parents go and find out? No, but a decent parent would do it with or without the law.
  4. If you admit to not knowing the specifics of something, it's best not to use it as an example then.
  5. I'm not sure I understand, Frog. BTW, how do you feel about this? Just want opinions, y'know?
  6. Most are educated but the majority aren't? Lol
  7. Oh man, I hadn't noticed that, Froggy. Can I call you Froggy? Your banner looks like a banner for someone named Froggy.
  8. It's a mistake to think children 100 years ago were not exposed to violence or death. Kids on the farm saw death around them all the time. Ever saw you're father take out the axe and cut the head off of a chicken?. How about turning the Bulls into steers? That's a lot of fun.

    If anything kids these days are exposed to less death than ever before. Video games won't harm them. Bunch of right wing bs.
  9. I'm not sure about right wing garbage, just garbage in general. Good point, Froggy. I'm gonna call you that till you confirm or deny that I can call you that.
  10. You started off an example you heard by saying " I don't know the specifics". Horrible way to make an argument. Never quote something you haven't looked into. Examples like that have a way of turning around and biting you in the ass.
  11. Got it. And i can't stress this enough, this is my first thread like this. So I'm not good at debating, and I guess this is a good way to learn. Plus, i like hearing other's opinion, Froggy.
  12. Eh I know some people who play violent video games when they are stressed lol
  13. Yeah. It's better to blow the brains out of someone on a game when you're mad then to blow the brains out if your family in RL when you're mad.
  14. It's not video games that makes us violent.
    It's lag.
  15. My thoughts are this.....first, i would take my kids to the store when they wanted new games....i also would read up on popular games and i know this maybe a shock, but i flipped the game over if i wasnt sure and would read what the content was....then i made an "educated decision" on to buy or not to buy.....its not that hard to be an active parent in your childs life...cop out answer imo. With that said, my children still had influences from friends and others around them...cousins, aunts uncles who played video games etc....once my children were old enough to make their own choices, i always remind them that they should make wise choices on social media...games, music, movies and internet....they dont always make the decisions i would want them to make but i was active in thier "teaching or formidable years" up till 18....i still remind them occasionally through tact and life examples...some say they hide their bad behaviors because i raised them this way...i say great, because they at least know right from wrong this way. Parents who dont parent are imo the root to most bad apples. Some apples are bad from chemical imbalances and some because maybe they were attacked or had some other social impact, but i hold parents accountable...
  16. Amen!

    Now to the point, I grew up playing mortal kombat & street fighter. Neither made me a violent person. Videogames have always been apart of my life. I have played nearly every system out there personally. Plus my parents never played much attention to the "Rated __" system. Psychologically some people can not handle the games but for the most part a bad life or bad circumstances make kids violent way before videogames will.
  17. Hell no OP. I got more frustrated from playing fifa than any 1st person shooter i have ever played. (Broke my controller bc of fifa once) Violent games amused me way more and didnt get me violent in any way. Not sure if I was a special kid, but thats my experience.
  18. Damn right!
    When i cant kill someone because of lag, it makes me want to kill them in real life.
  19. Lol. But please take this seriously. Funny lag joke though. Seriously. You can make jokes but at least try and put something serious into the thread or I'll have to ask you to leave.
  20. I believe violent video games do have the potential lead some to act out the violence they see in the game. But i also believe those people are the ones that already have violent mental issues.

    Its not the games creating this condition. Its just method they choose to act out. Could have just as easily been a movie, or a dream.