Wars on Android.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xX__B-E-A-S-T__Xx, Jun 7, 2014.

  1. Support.. war on android is the worst devs
  2. Android here Devs: Support war fix ASAP...!¡!
  3. Please fix this devs
  4. Support would enjoy warring without having to go right back to top of roster.
  5. I KaW daily on android as its my regular phone and works extremely well for ebs. However when I first tried to war on it the experience was awful which I didn't expect with the better processing speeds. The transition on each step is considerably slower than using an iphone. At this moment in time I still revert back to my old linked iphone to war each time.
    In addition, having to scroll back through the roster each time is frustrating. An update would be appreciated.
  6. Bumping a second time as my name dictates.
    But seriously guys FIX THIS!!!! (please)
    Have you ever tried peeing after a long night of, Of, OF...$#@
    Well that's what it's like for us on droids, actions all over the place, except for where we intend them.
  7. After all it is better to give than receive.
  8. Jesus christ troll you post every thread  get a girl bro
  9. Please update for android
  10. Support my android is slow dont know about iphone im to cheap to buy it
  12. @Shadow-Warrior: there's no iPhone out there to compete with my former Galaxy S5 or my actual HTC One M8. Maybe just the rumored iPhone 6. But for next couple of months will be exactly this: a rumor.
  13. Stop warring? Idk why you're complaining its not KaW's choice to make you go android lol