After IIIVLADIII's adjustments, I tried to war again and it was a bit better but atcions do take a long time still and you always start at the top of the page. It is quite annoying still. Something needs to be done! :sad:
I understand I have an alt on an android tablet that I hardly ever go on now because of the mechanics. SUPPORT
Devs... you really want more of us to whine about an issue? SUPPORT!!! ACTUALLY, GIVE ANDROID USERS AN ADVANTAGE FOR AS THE SAME TIME FRAME iphone Users had the advantage! ... WHILE IM WHINING, WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE MAKE MEH A SAMMMIICCCCCHHHHHH!?!?!
Developers not gonna do a thing on this, they are busy with collecting & counting money from promo and now another bs event, hats off devs
I've always used droid.. if you say that iOS is faster and has less steps to att someone, what steps are there. Droid is: name, press att on profile, choose att. Choose pots, press att, close..... Press att on profile, choose att..... .. 7 steps. How many on iOS?
I agree.its easier to hit eb to on ios. Not fair i have lgg2 hard to war. Devs fix or no more xtal sales.
@Arkosa The difference is more about when participating in EE. Going from an opponent and then back to their clan roster is one of the issues. When you go back to the clan roster it resets you back top the top of the page, not at the same spot you selected a target. It doesnt sound like much but in EE every second really counts.
I've noticed that.. it never used to. You could select market place from the menu whilst on enemy profile Xtal, then back to the enemy profile.. now as you said. Pressing back takes you to home screen Epic, is that the only extra step? Because I'm always being beaten to the ko when following the tracker, its like everyone us one step ahead
For some reason my main on iPhone 4S is also alot slower now ios7 kicked in.on wifi it's so slow switch to 3G and it gets alot faster dunno If that's just me anyone else get same problem
Support! I too have contacted devs about it a while back but got no response. The amount of actions/buttons u have to press to complete an attack on driod is way more than ios, and it just gets worse when u want to attack someone using only some of ur pots rather than all. Devs plz fix this! This problem has been going on for far too long.