Re: Wars Tuesday Dec 3rd and Wednesday Dec 4th Guils hansels are still a big problem devs, if I am too strong to hit them then why ain't I too strong for them to hit me? Making bucket loads of plunder as they do it!
grt time 5pm sgt to war. ty if u can do it in weekends it wil b much appreciated. ty gud job dev for war 6. it is awasome time for India.
Omg devs. This is FANTASTIC. The first war for the Aussie evening (War #6 Thursday) 25 war size is Gonna be a stretch first time...but lets make this happen people. Cmon Aussies...and Kiwi cousins...You asked for it (so did I ) There will be lots of war newbs. Don't be shy. Lets rumble. Thanks Devs :mrgreen:
This is fantastic! thankyou for listening, and taking this seriously devs. I for one couldnt be happier about war 6. Cheers.
@kaw_admin - Will new war equipment ever be added? Right now it seems that the new teir 11 epic battle armour may pass the mith armour. I really hope you can make war worth the money thanks
@kaw admin thanks for a decent war time for australia, but fyi 7pm is better for a 2hr war in my opinion, but thanks for thinking of us
Awesome equipment for season 3, great. Just make sure there is a trade up program for those who have invested thousands of mith in the older equipment. That way it does not feel like a waste of time. Thanks for considering it.
Darn...too many last minute friend sign ups got to 29...kicked 4 and somehow ended at 24 (1 left while kicking)...could not scramble back to 25 in last minute...missed sign up by 1. The 2 hours beforehand caught most of us off guard a little as people that were available were on their way home etc... That sux. Sound like a noob clan? We are when is comes to ee/chaos. First time in a long time that we tried to war cause its the first time we got a time that is even possible for the clan. Anyhow...the clannies learn to follow instruction and be true to their promises to sign up...and we are looking fwd to war 10 tomorrow with a more realistic 11 that we can recruit internally...and not have to get ring-ins. Thankyou to all who tried...and those cursing in frustration as the last moment wound down to a fail. :mrgreen: