Eh in that case erm Hogstar uses his claws to kill everything then goes back to his little cat hole thingy
Suddenly a dog comes and kills his apprentice so he comes out with his claws and fights it to the death bloodied and battered he walks back to the other cats and collaspses
Whoa my brother's friend got red ring of death on his xbox that stinks! and Mistpaw decide to go back and see if they can find what made the scent, but when they got there the scent was stronger, "what could it be?" says Icepaw, looking around. Mistpaw walks into the bushes, closer to the scent, "oh no!" he yowls, "wolf tracks! A pack of wolves went through here!"
Icepaw and Mistpaw run back to camp, yelling, "Leafstar! Leafstar!" until Leafstar comes out of camp, alarmed, she bounds to the two apprentices, "what's wrong?" she asks. Icepaw, panting from running all the way there, looks up at her leader, "wolves!....there are... Wolves...!" she said exhausted. Leafstar's eyes widen "this is not good! Where were they going?" she asks, Mistpaw, who can run longer and had caught his breath, answers, "they seemed to be going into another territory, I believe their clan is called thunderclan, but then I saw other tracks that were going back into our territory."
Then see's the wolves and freezes after fighting a dog he knows the danger he leads his fellow cats to safety and bump into the forest clan Hogstar gives them his usual greeting walking up to the leader and slapping him
That is not a roleplay. It is not a story. It does not a purpose here. Now, either kill this thread or move it. Thank you.
Well why don't you stop watching if you don't like it? "why do you want to fight?" says Leafstar loudly, making all the cats stop. "we have not done anything to you, and we have just moved here, clan laws are against that!"
Leafstar yowls, "well then let's fight!" and tackles Hogstar to the ground, digging her claws into his chest
Thinking of his son Hogstar goes into a bloodlust rage and tackles leafstar and failed looking around he sees all his warriors are dead so he made his final stand screaming I'll take you all on he leaps into leaftars ranks