Discussion in 'Strategy' started by OfficialRyan, May 5, 2011.

  1. Actual guide to instant lcbc...
    Have a lcbc account or friend.
    Congrats, your done.
  2. Lmao gor-illa could you do that for me
  3. Not really lightning fast... I'm doing it now...
  4. So is my alt anonymous and he is only a week old
  5. He is growing really fast
  6. wow thats hard lol im not even close but ill keep on trying. thnx for the help!
  7. How ironic is that this guy makes a thread on a lighting fast BC when he is still not even BC?
  8. Bump deserves a sticky

  9. He is going through resets I believe.
  10. You are correct Sexwulf I am on my fourth and final
  11. Sticky this already lol I spent forever on this then some makes a guide just like it and it gets stickied
  12. The sticky thread is on T4 SoS conversion...

    This is on BC-ing...

    An I hate to sound like a bad guy but there's already >9000 BC guides..

    Although I like your use of pictures...
    Keep up the guide work. You'll get your sticky yet!
  13. If I renamed this guide I guarantee it would be stickied lol
  14. I plan to edit this to show the ideal PvE build or I may make a new guide with cooler pictures for the Quickest way to HLCBC with the PvE update