WarriorCats Roleplay

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *TigerstarandJaystar (01), Jul 25, 2011.

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  1. i WONDER whos stressing poor tiggy out. -.-
  2. Whatever. I'm gone.
  3. I'm gonna get this deleted somehow. Y'all will slip up and I'll be there!
  4. Feather. It's not funny. Go to another thread and troll on them. We won't slip up.
  5. It's annoying though. There's other WC things to troll on. I'm asking you (sorta begging) to leave us alone! There isn't even three ounces of RP on here! T-T
  6. actually, theres only one rp post. lmao.
  7. Quit bumping this and go to pal and I'll stop it.
  8. Not all of us are allowed to have pal. Ever thought of other people? Or have you ever seen past your nose?

  9. I used to not be allowed to have pal you cockblock. ST*U.
  10. Featherhunters true colors shine forth...
  11. FeatherHunter. -__- you need to st^u. You only hate on us cuz of the past. Flip The page and catch up with the present.

  12. Cat rpers= psychopaths.
  13. :D

    Haha can't you tell when you're not wanted?
    Go do something that improves your life a lil, hun :D
    Don't waste your time sticking your big nose into other people's business.
  14. Amber, you are a newb and a noob compared to Feather. NO GTFO!
  15. Phoenix -__- seriously. Listen to yourself. And do exactly what you say.
  16. And feather. It's Honestly getting annoying now. What you are doing is harassing us.
  17. I'm sorry, please rephrase your grammar. I didn't understand the last sentence.
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