Name: EchoStorm Gender: Female Fur color: Black as midnight Eye Color: A gleaming, Deep Brown Role: Warrior Clan: ThunderClan Bio: has been alone as long as I can remember, travling from clan to clan. Everyone that I have ever gotten close to has died, or been killed and for that I turn to the Dark Forest, where nothing can die. I have a vicious attitude, and am not afraid to use my claws, I have killed and don't regret it. Better Abilities: I have a deep connection with the things around me, I sense when others are hurt or harmed. Even when I'm the one harming them. Crippled: No. Blind? Deaf? No and no.
Name: Poison/Poisonpaw/fang Clan: SC Mate: Unknown Kits: expecting Role: queen Bio: former kittypet Family members: Lily , deceased verified starclan member Lion/Heart Fin/River Leaf/Storm Fire , deaceased verified darkforest member Snow , deaceased verified starclan member Past Affiliations: • Kitty-pet • Rouge Fur: Golden yellow Eyes: Green Traits: Beautiful , Stunning , Marvalous
Name: Sunray Age: The cat equivalent of 19 Gender: Female Fur Color: Black with white paws Eye Color: The color of the sun Role: Warrior Clan: Thunderclan Bio: She was born in a small village and was raised by her warrior father, since her mother died giving birth to her. Her father trained her hard and soon she was the best fighter in the village. You make the rest up Better Abilities: Can read minds if she focuses a LOT (if that's not possible, she's just really good at reading what other people feel and guess what they are going to do next Crippled: No Blind, deaf: No, no Personality (if you want it): Fierce temper, cares for friends, great sense of humor, hates her ability to read minds, loves to bask in the sunlight I hope that you like her
Hi! Name: dawnfeather Gender: female Fur Colour: golden with little patches of red on my legs Role: med cat Clan: riverclan Bio: I was found stranded near the river as a kit and found by a riverclan border patrol. They soon accepted me as one of them. I have always had an interest in nature and have exiled in the art of plants and disease Better abilities: telepathy Crippled: no Blind/deaf no Wall me if I get in, thanks!
Lol you're writing a book based on copyrighted material presumably without permission have fun getting sued and serving jailtime <3
it's a fan fic. We aren't publishing it and btw we're changing the characters names and making our own so we don't get in trouble AND we might change the clan names -_-