People quoting OP and people saying /eagled or #geteagled or whatever should both be bannable offenses. It's not, funny, it is ******* stupid and annoying and contributes NOTHING to a thread. /endrant
And for statless alts, I have a 4 plus yr old mini alt as well as 6 other accts of all sizes and builds to help. This is gonna be fun. Ready Frog?
It doesnt matter if you farm statless alts because it will be just a waste of time. They will only post troll comments then logout. Lol if you ever thought of that or we all did?
Statless alts often grow tired and move on. I'm just aiming at whomever I can hit. Just a few hits to help him shape up, gotta save the ready for Zaft. Hopefully others will follow my lead and get smacking.
Thank you. I take that as a compliment. You acted stupid and got actions for it. Your welcome. Word of advice, you could have avoided by not being an idiot also by quoting OP