I guess MDK-Samps-MDK got upset I caught their ignorant post above and they decided my 5 love taps was a war cry, cause they riled and tried to retaliate. I love the ignorant
I honestly think Quigymire is a homophobic. And we all know that those tend to be the ones who are in the closet. And Quigymire, it's "you're both gay". Please learn proper English you moronic hick backwater hillbilly
@quiga You are very amusing with your one liners. Though I don't expect much intelligence from someone who likely be beaten by a potted plant on a quiz show. Lol
5 hits from you cost you a fb but you didnt even have the balls to hit back... Had another account hit me lol
Inc report: 1 scout 6 steal wins 2 steal losses. Please explain how that ads up to a fb. I know the ignorant like you have problems with learning, especially math. Get someone to help you with the definition of FB please. Thank you
SS are worth a 1000 words. Anyone else see a fb unload there? Didn't think so. As almost all forum thread posters exaggerate the truth, as is evident on all the OSW threads. Puff your chest, spout lies of words in forums, and think all will believe. Only ignorant ppl like you fall that crap
Thanks for the breakdown I just tap tap, I really will have to take more care with my posting... But heres the best bit, that "fb" had return inc! Yay! 6 Attacks 10 Steals 8 Scouts But the depressing part is it wasnt even you :'( you were too much of a princess to even return inc you had a clan mate 3x my size hit me lol Anyhow I welcome inc, so please send alot more... I will be No more posts... Much love and happy kawing <3
Wtf are you on? You need to slow down on the crack. SS or as is old adage, ain't true. Also, I enjoy 1vs1 Pvp very much. So I will use this forum as your acceptance of, as well as over 20 plus peeps. Sorry if you have to wait for inc or see dtw. I will get back to you in order of line
sorry but I believe the other guy, I met you an one of your clanny in a similar fashion while i was rustling another guys feathers which is a clear sign of poserism
Dear Frog, Though I hate to and I know it's not me to be mean/bad to others for doing this, I have to say that I have to agree with you. Yes, I have seen players quoted the entire original post on past threads with just one word replies or nothing at all. Just quote. I can easily imagine how annoying it is to scroll down through the pages of the thread for more meaningful replies. Though.... I can tolerate with players quoting the entire long original posts and just scroll down to find more replies. The reason I support this is because other players can be annoyed seeing this. Glad you addressed this out. I, sean893 will hereby recommend you to be a new moderator! #Frog4Moderator.
Like 4 months ago the debs announced all forum mods and chat mods would be combined into one position called moderator
Quigymire so flustered now, look at last post. Doesn't make any sense and shows yet again IQ of being below 65
I'll be checking threads, every daaaay! To make sure you all do, as I saaaay! Cause it's my right, to tell you all, how to plaaaay! Except for Apoc, do what you want, it's okaaaay!
Why not petition the devs to limit size of quote to a finite and manageable number of characters? Seems like an easy fix. Reality is only people who would care about inc are eb/ee only players and typically they aren't the big posters anyways. Statless alts are designed specifically to post nonsense or hide main and osw clans will just hit you back or maybe even strip you if they're bored and/or you push your luck. Cheers