Poor Lethal, the Shake Weight and tubular protein aren't helping you maybe you should try making up a different story about how you are kicking my butt. Take Apple's advice, get off the thread go whine elsewhere.
I heard it is an EE clan around and the owner thought to start an osw with a real war family but when they facing them in Rancor wars they cry for unfair matchIs it true ? Can anyone pls confirm ? Thank you ️
I heard there was a clan being smashed by a clan with 10 LB and they still tried to fight and xtal in sign of respect.
@ Gilga If you can confirm this then stop crying and moaning like everyone who play the real warriors but they only thing they know to do well is to bully smaller player than them and they don't have the .... To hit someone in their size
There once was a clan called warlor, who dominated season 1 of EE wars. We took our licks and we learned, because we know this is something you earn. And now that we've adapted, warlor cries shame, shame! Something we all find kind of lame. All i can say is good luck in KAW, for we are unleashing our full forces like there is no tomorrow. We don't care about the setbacks or how long it takes, just remember, that in the end, this was your mistake
Imho i was not crying or whining, just adding a piece to the picture(i whine frequently but in this case i really have no reasons for that ;-) ). Btw, i hate bullying too.
@gilga I will repeat it once again. Clans are not doing the match during wars. Also KAW admin gave very clear explanations and thank you for this ATA how the match up system works, for these who wanna read and understand how the system works because is very clear. For those who wanna finding excuses and continue cry happy kawing ️
Give me a break... I've read paranoid theories about how devs made matchup for our side, how they tipped us someone was banned, etc etc etc. Seriously people they don't get involved in our squabbles that's totally delusional. Come up with something better. If any devs reading this, please at least double daily xtal limit