WarLor Vs. ZAFT osw???

Discussion in 'Wars' started by dash__, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. Assyrian God- thank you. Finally this thread is getting back to something factual. 
  2. Statless alts...such a disease. Mental disease :-(
  3. So let me get this straight, if I taunt a large clan into farm/stripping, then run from clan until one of them decides to help me, you all will support me in this as you do applegirl? 
  4. *clan to clan
  5. And Assyrian I have no clue what crows body looks like, you seem to be familiar with it though, you two guys sound pretty close 
  6. I'll take "The History of Os-Merc" for a thousand.
  7. I never asked anyone for help when there lol. That post made no sense
  8. Yeah, forgot you left Osiris's alliance to war Zaft. Damn, that's twice in two days my memory has been faulty. Time to stop eating paintchips and Jack Daniels for breakfast.
  9. warlor is a joke. It was never warlor vs zaft. Its zaft vs bunch of clans and plus warlor. Walror only jumped in when it felt it was safe to do so. Lets be real. We all know how they reacted last time they almost got into osw. Hid their tails between their legs rofl.
  10. So... Just a Question... Apoc and UC can EE war to get their mith (not judging its really neccessary for an osw) but Zaft members can't have our ee clan so we can get our mith too?  I think that's selfish.

    If you can't win then just pray not to get us. If you do, just war and try to beat zaft ee clan, by lurking i saw how battleground was close to achieve this, follow their steps coz its possible. :D

    Great OSW and GL to all clans on EE season 

    Cheers to the osw warriors on the other side 

    ZAFT UK
  11. lol inc from warlor. I guess i hit where it hurts;)
  12. Well I just want to say something super zaft was made it to beat MG you guys can see it in MG history war 
  13. And they succeeded, and haven't stopped since.
  14. @Lethal
    If you'll note, by reading the post thoroughly first made referencing Crow, that Assyrian was simply repeating a conversation I shared with him, not making a personal comment as to Crow's build. Which, I might add, is quite a gunshow.

    Secondly, rather than making a judgemental inaccurate statement, I encourage you to find a single clan I "ran" to for help in starting an OSW with Warlor. And please, ask them all. I guarantee you will not find a single one I "ran" to.

    Perhaps, instead, the leaders in different clans saw or heard what was happening, felt that 1 v entire LB clan was classic on-line bullying (a farm based on blatant lies told by VaLiaR to her clan), and offered to get involved.

    The repeated commenting without accurate facts or just the fairytales you weave with regard to me (talking out your ass for those who like a good analogy) is rather amusing. I do however, suggest classes on fact-finding (perhaps a few episodes of CSI will do the trick) and a reading comprehension course.

    Now I'll be getting back to the Crow and Mentally-Unstable gun show. Please do let me know once you've actually gathered some accurate information.
  15. So apple the many people you've had clan farmed Is ok but it's help me help me when it happens to you?
  16. But I'm on this thread enough so I'm out, apple anyone that knows you knows you've constantly got someone after you,your mouth gets you farmed alot and not once that I know of have you ever handled it yourself. Just my two cents  I'm out
  17. Please do list those I've had clan farmed. Seriously, watch Columbo or Law n Order or CSI to learn how facts are gathered.
  18. I'd also like a list if those who have farmed me . You just don't like that in a battle of words, I will win everytime. Hence the non-stop comments regarding my mouth. In fact, I have been farmed by very few. Now please stay off the Crow gun show thread 
  19. @Lethal
    Funny how when you're asked to actually support the ridiculous claims you make, you're "off " the thread.
  20. All of kaw will soon be at war, this i will be looking foreward too :cool: