WarLor Vs. ZAFT osw???

Discussion in 'Wars' started by dash__, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. Can we please get back to the Crow puppet?? where I can get one and a tripod  stand for it ? What's the website ? And is there a MagicStick I can buy to go with it ?
  2. So because warlor stripped regs, zaft osws warlor? Seems legit. No lol try again
  3. Not even completely sure it's all zaft oswing them anyway
  4. Let's get back to something factual -- The Crow Puppet (must be 18 or older to order ). Is there a discount for two? I want to send my girl Mags one for her birthday 
  5. Sadly, the crow puppets are sold out. Magicstick bought all 10,000 that we had produced.
  6. Say it isn't so? I must mobilize all of KaW (apparently I can ) into OSW until MagicStick returns half the quantity he purchased.
  7.  No chance! I build my own army with crow tripod puppets n join the forum osw no chance to hide from the perv puppets
  8. Id like to not get involved very much with this osw as i am an x warlor member and i know what goes on, unless you know both sides as in if you know how zaft ppl are how applegirl is and how warlor is, you shouldnt post mindlessly on forums if you claim to know whats going on good for you! keep it to yourself! And sit back and watch because one you say something wrong and start to get hit then cry cf not worth it so everyone shut your mouth watch and chill. MONNNNnN :)
  9. Thanks Stick for buying my sexy puppets now I can nob and be no 1 on lb lmao. Funny how this thread talks about me being sexy lol. Have fun time to hit La Fitness I gotta stay sexy :)
  10. Let me clear up a few issues. Why are we at osw with zaft? Simple, Laoda attacked IMF unprovoked and then demanded that IMF reset. That's not gonna happen. It just proves the monumental arrogance of zaft leadership.
    We are not UC, we just have a common goal. It's more of a the enemy of my enemy is my friend situation. We will support the UC in their actions against Zaft. If the UC decides to CF on zaft , doesn't mean WarLoR will. The insults and trespasses to us by Zaft are our own issue. Zaft refuses to apologize for any of their disrespect but demands all respect them.
    Will we continue to EE? That is a separate issue. We will not EE until the Devs fix the match ups, we will not support a broken biased system.
    The -Applegirl- issue is again a separate issue, she is perm clan farm and really shouldn't give herself more credit then being just that.
    We have much respect for many of the good ppl in Zaft and we have many friends there. But there's always one or 2 bad Apples in every group. And yes, that was a pun. 
  11. HEY apple crow and magic just cause I'm off my meds dont leave me out I wanna play
  12. No offence Valor, but I doubt WaRLoR would be able to hold any ground against ZAFT alone.
  13. Mental ! Of course I haven't forgotten you ! You're always my Prince of all things Pink
  14. PS there's a VaLiAr in every bunch too 
  15. Now just how did DeL get left you guys :( ???
  16. this is really funny. an osw thread for warlor vs zaft? has anyone given warlor tips on how to OSW yet besides changing their build as members get stripped and run off? ...

    Val..another delusional one. OSW started because Laoda attacked IMF and told him to reset. ...yes yes this is about as believable as res one saying laoda started UC zaft war by funding strips.

    Val you forget you had your clan attacking Zaft for weeks? Over Something you yourself provoked? Were you not warned multiple times that this would not be tolerated? Was it not in fact in response to your actions IMF was attacked and forced to torch the builds of all your members to basically all towers?

    upon realizing you couldnt simply war with alts and gh and under max roster in ee to dominate did you not realize the only thing you knew how to do in kaw was ruined?

    again....val did you not provoke this? is there any way possible in your head that you do not see that you provoked the destruction of your clan?...warlor claims to osw even if UC cf....thats truly rich. Warlor won't be around to see the UC Cf.
  17. The famous statless alt post 
  18. Support to warlor and UC.. Keep up the good fight

    And apple your finally getting what you so dearly crave, attention...congrats 
  19. yes lethal because statless alts dont know what they are talking about lol. but you know who knows what i said is true...Val. the op that created this thread didnt even know why osw started.

    Val claims to be disrespected in forums ...which was provoked by a val wall post....which was provoked by Val threatening to Farm and strip any member in her "ROGUE" Subclan that dared defend themselves in OSW.

    Yes....the OSW Warrior...(cough cough) Val. Turtle Town Tony Val. Jump in OSW only after 30 clans are involved Val. EE war only when we can dominate with stacks Val. Val the Victim...(shaking my head), pathetic Val.