Del, I just had to see at least one fact here ! Thank God for Crow jumping in to the rescue!! Now get off my thread, this is my fifteen mins of fame
Apple looks hot in any color and is more courageous than anyone I've met in a long time. Keep fighting the good fight Apple.
Lmao Crow you wish last time I checked you had the V neck bro ha but yes Apples's fifteen minutes of fame…
@OP -IMF- isnt going to get knocked off LB... That suggestion is ridiculous, in the ZAFT vs Apoc OSW Chongo didn't even fall 3 spaces on ally LB and you think -IMF- will drop 191? Get real.
Where can i sign in to the "CROWs fan club"? I really wanna buy a lil crow action puppet! If u squeeze the puppet it makes some weird noices n it says words 18
lmfao !!! Def a 18 puppet! Kids becomes scared like hell if there plop a strange hairy third leg out
It's real funny to see all of the trash talk on WarLoR about how cowardly they are, but in reality your probably just jealous because they smacked your asses around in EE a few times. If you want to talk like hot rods and big shots, why don't you do something besides go to forums and call them cowards. I'm 100% positive that WarLoR would have no problem shutting your mouth up if you were man enough to send them a few incoming attacks instead of trashtalk. And if i remember right, WarLoR isn't the only clan that's "joined the osw because a bunch of other clans are already in". If i do recall correctly, OG alliance&Apocalypse also joined in after there were a bunch of clans involved already. Does that make them cowards to? Let me hear you call them out as well. I dare you. Much respect to WarLoR and all the other clans participating. No disrespect to either side of this osw intended.
Lol I'm amazed that all these folk that have no involvement in the current Osw war or EE matchupand have no way of knowing what's going on think they know so much As I've said before Zaft in its current Osw is quality not quantity and the cream is rising to the topWarlor and many wannabes just jumping in as they see this as there best chance to crush Zaft but they will soon change there minds like many others on Laoda's cf wall Enjoy it's just a game