waramen: the clan destroyer

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *MrAwesomeDude777 (01), May 24, 2012.

  1. You forgot the part where the clan has 6 members and the info says "join please"
  2. >before the destruction
  3. @op
    That made me wanna destroy some clans. The "hard work" you speak of is usually mommy and daddy's credit card being used.
  4. Probably not 
  5. Dude, considering the fact that you use "u", I'll guess you're pretty new here.
  6. To mee? Lol Osiris won't fail, went that falls **** goes loose
  7. Or option three, don't be a complete dumb ass
  8. I find it amusing that I'm getting FARMEs and there not getting a flying fart
  9. No actually using "u" kinda saves time when u add it up
  10. It shows that you are a preteen/early teen
  12. So, for most people the teenage years are the best, for others not but most are
  13. Think what you want lol
  14. @OP How to lose your clan in under 20 minutes

  15. Without supporting evidence, your posts are kind of hard to take seriously. Especially with that bad spelling of yours.
  16. ^^^read from bottom up^^^
  17. No.... No it's not. You're not out to help people. You're not doing anyone any favors. Man up. Take responsibility for your choices. Don't pretend you're performing some kind of public service.
  18. @Frost907 maybe i should pay your clan a visit..
  19. Jk lol, my clan destruction days are over :lol: