waramen: the clan destroyer

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *MrAwesomeDude777 (01), May 24, 2012.

  1. Yes, but all I'm saying is that he is only probably the most known lately because he posts about it in forums. I wasn't trying to start a fight with you, sorry if I sounded belligerent.
  2. 9 clans stripped 2 disbanded
  3. Ummmmm

    Let's debate the pros:

    •Everyone laughs
    •Noob tears are plentiful
    •Noob clans gain alliances by warning each other of possible clan destroyers
    •Noob clans generate noobs, thus destroying noob clan's is a positive.
    •Idiots shouldn't be running clans
  4. Xtreme has like over 200 clans... And "You" has many clans, as well as -rainbowdash-

    The fad has died down, and clan destroying is best done in secrecy as to only show your friends. I like to farm my victims and demand they apologize for giving me ownership :)
  5. Hey freak, welcome to my hit list
  6. Too small :(
  7. I really don't get why you get pleasure out of destroying clans then bragging about it.
  8. No it's not like any punishment at all. Should you be punished for trusting someone? Since you were "punished" for trusting someone, it means that you should never trust another again right?

    It's good to teach children to be wary; the world is harsh with swindlers and liars. But it's a whole different story when you make it so they they won't trust others again.

    Anyways, since this apparently has been discussed about before, I'm just going to drop it. Everyone has their own opinions.
  9. Not the bragging lol.

    The wall noob rage. Get the "IMMA PERM FARM YOU" post saved, then put the "I'm so sorry" post next to it
    has been stripped next clan: An origins one
  11. Lol pictures please it will make this much funnier
  12.  Stripping noob clans doesn't count 
  13. True heart eaters has not been stripped. 72 members? Don't think so.

    You didn't do anything besides chance clan info. I'll add you as my target now
  14. I'm too big -.-
  15. This is only funny the first few times people makes threads about clan destroyers. Destroying noob clans isn't impressive, but take down a clan like Osiris and that's impressive.
  16. I know lol but I could only strip a couple of em before they kicked me and I would've sartes toc but eb was starting
  17. Hmmm...
    So you change the (likely useless) clan info and start an EB that can be forfeited within 15 minutes
  18. Try Seeing it this way:
    U r new to a game, somehow u get enough money to create a clan, work really hard to get people to join the clan, and it looks like ur clan is going great. Then someone asks to be in admin in ur clan, u let them in thinking that they will help ur clan grow, u log off the game for 5 mins and come back on. Ur clan is destroyed, everyone is kicked, ur wall is erased, and the current eb is forfeited.

    You then try to get people to join again but none do so you have to disband the clan. So you have lost 3 billion or 100 health crystals, trust from alot of people, alot of time and hard work just because someone thought it would be funny to destroy ur clan.

    I hope that's made think about reconsidering destroying another clan.