Waramen, The clan destroyer

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ------S-e-R-a-p-H------, May 24, 2012.

  1. Destroy my clan. But make it a surprise.
  2. I'm calling out too the kaw community...

    Someone, anyone just shot me...I can't find the tv remote and Eurovision semi finale song contest is on....and I'm kinda enjoying it...
  3. this thread should be titled waramen the dork
  4. I'm done doin this guys in done seeing rage.. Lol back to my homeclan
  5. Dude ur fggot stop doing that ur just really retarded y do u wreck clans??
  6. its fun! :lol:
  7. Lol you have no main clan *****
  8. War, like I said earlier, you're a wanna be follower and a fanboy of others better than you.
  9. Gosh cole I forgot we can't post because he runs behind his mamas skirt when we show up
  10. If I'm a wanna be why do you continually post here? Because u have nothing better to do? Bored of life? Wanna kill yourself? I have a rusty danger for you now f off
  11. PANDAS FTW!!!!! And get off of my thread and stop bypassing!
  12. I'll go out on a limb and say that op is digging himself a grave
  13. With a dull shovel
  14. Nice you just insulted a Wig member, now I'm betting ill see an apology thread in the next day or two lol
  15. Only destroyed 4 clans? Devil and others are 10x better
  16. This thread title should be "Waramen, the Attention Whore"