War4YourKaw,Your time is up!!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Sighmin-Templar-the-Arbiter, Dec 25, 2012.

  1.  Now there's a novel concept!
  2. Kind of hard to hit back when your pinned and 0'ed. Oh forgot too mention pot up, down to 1 sdp.
  3. Who is tracker?
  4. The person who has been hitting arbiter for close to 2 weeks now b
  5. Hahahaha War4yourkaw, kick this attention seeker's ass ;)
  6. Scale that pic down, monster
  7. Who is, tracker?*
  8. Ask alpaca or red panda as he is now known.
  9. As much as I like your clan Arbiter, I have to agree, farm the **** out of arbiter.

    Although I would leave the clan itself out of it. I don't think the clan actually approved. of course, I haven't read the whole thread. So maybe Deni did. But I doubt it.
  10. Forums are getting more and more ridiculous by **** threads like this.


  11. agreed.
  12. I see Romani left the thread. Farm him I shall.
  13. I always dream to have a 1v1 :roll:
  14. Deni isn't in A8.
  15. Fight! Fight! Fight!
  16. :| Op your ******
  17. And you pay **** :roll:
  18. Who revived this thread and why??I got tired of farming him and I thought this was long ago locked.