War4YourKaw,Your time is up!!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Sighmin-Templar-the-Arbiter, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. Dude..nobody cares about you or your stupid noob fight. 1.5b lol thats pathetic.
  2. :(

    :lol: Are you kidding me :lol:
  3. :lol: 1.5 bill? I make more than that with 15 nobs :lol:
  4. War4yourkaw messages me and he says he just farms u in his free time :D and I got a new target OP!
  5. Need help op just call the cookie I love too smack the 4 on 1 I'm a hero noobs around.

     ⻏L₳¢ҜH₳₦Ð 



     ⻏L₳¢ҜH₳₦Ð 
  6. Wow 1.5bill. Badass lmao
  7. Noobs I make 1.5 bil in clearing my troops twice
  8. OP is out of sdp if anyone wants a free steal-fest xD
  9. That gif is creepy as ****
  10. Sigh, great lies.
  11. Wo he made 3 threads bout lil old me. He butthurt.
  12. I only got hit 70 times total.. 49 fails. Rest scouts ..
  13. I never have gold out.. I'm a hansel,
  14.  No farming rule
  15. Read my wall. Its funny :D
  16. Support war4yourkaw
  17. OP att 5/5/9

    Stl 6/6/6 np
  18. T'is the season to be farming