OP, you should note that ZAFT is a family of clans. (I'm just guessing) 400 members. If you look at the leader board it is filled with ZAFT members. I would hazard a guess that at least some Zero Gravity members' home clans are ZAFT. In summation, a family of clans, that spends huge amounts on the game and has coordinated war experience, will beat a bunch of players with no ties to each other.
-TheLastTrojan_, bEdIam, curnel9, IlIlIl_XTREME_IlIlIl, LegolasXX, lllAlienlll, lllII___GENERAL___IIlll, Madame-Lurie, mahmood, ML_MATTY_ML, nightbreed, Para_Bellum, Sirgog, Smokintough, __llAIl1Il3ll-lI5llHIIAlI_____ and 5 guests