War Z vs VM

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIIIl_____matt13380_____lllIII, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. Nostradamus predicted this decades ago! That a false apocalyptic messenger, that would declare doomsday upon us shall appear from the depths of ...... a  hole down south!
  2. Plz enlighten me to the extent of support ISS is showing maliboo...I'm curious  if ur gonna name drop us it'd be best to know for sure
  4. [​IMG]

    Yes Maliboo! Please tell us the big plan we ars behind before your spanking commences
  5.  I hate that pic...nightmares... This one is much better

  6. Oh noes. Cyn, you know there's a much more creepier version of that picture? :roll:
  7. Don't roll your eyes at me my clan is in peacetime mode...in other words my spies are available for YOU  but of course with new pots out I'm gonna have to EB for a week to be able to go a day of successful spy actions against any defender 
  9. @ themessenger...
    I wish u d speak my language as well as I speak ursnow if u r just here to play the big bad boy, go get a topic that ll interest someone, like the weather in north groendland...pretty sure u ll find someone in the world that will love to discuss that with u
  10. 
  11. Cyn, dont tell me my alts wont be able to nob again already?!
  12. This is crazy
    LALA *runs thru form screaming*
  13. EoE's best tactic...boring us to death...
  14. 
  15. Kotfe helping eoe now??
  16. The war is over. The situation was handled through 6 days of solid fighting on both ends. Few trillion stripped, enough to make a lasting impact. Both parties agreed to walk away from battle and that is that. Z has earned respect from EoE and I'm sure from much of the Kaw community. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to wall me,and have a nice day. 

  17. Their tactic of boring us to death worked 

  18. VM got smoked, so did EoE, lolol.