War Z vs VM

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIIIl_____matt13380_____lllIII, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. Mailboo-

    I sure I met you through Farmfest.

    And dam. Take down 3 of the 4 clans with 1 account? I couldn't even do that with all my acc and all my funds.

    You want to unload on all members of 3 clans??

    It'll take you 300 hours. GL
  2. Why cover all the conversations and only show the ones you want to show? Ive been farmed like hell but fortunately gained a little more than what i lost.
    Oh and btw if i have a chance to ask for help when im getting beaten to a pulp then hell i would. Im not a hypocrite, we all need help sometimes. Im just almost 70 days old so pardon if im being noobish
  3. Yea breth your being EB noobish, but hey you probably learned things
  4. "My friend's are hitting themselves"
    Op that was one of the dumbest things I've ever read in forums and that's says a lot considering ZE-rocks posts here all the time..
  5. Rofl'd 
  6. @the messenger...little troll posting with an alt and making very helpful comments Z posts rock as u said, but yours really dont
  7. Mat, ZE-rocks is a player dip-****... :)
  8. Dip??? Please talk without ***... Maybe u cant tho
  9. Yeah I learned that I gain much more money in each successful Atk/asassinate against a player who's way above my cs... Too bad I can't unload every hour...
    Anyway about the pictures, why didn't he show all? Covered most of the conversations... Just sayin =)
  10. Going by what a friend in the Z clans said I think the rest of the conversation might have some course language
  11. someone here has a brain
  12. Mali, do you remember this-


    That was during the sun alliance. You had just been stripped and I had spotted (despite you being in a completely different clan :p) so humble there.you didn't even know to bank ASAP. You now have let things get to your head since winning farm fest. Your not that good bro. No offense. You shouldn't have declared war in their pms. You should have grown the clan for a few months and started with a massive strip with weeks worth of tracking. Sorry but you've clearly asked for this and I'm surprised any clan stands beside you if they know the facts shown in this thread.

    Az - pull your head in. I thought we taught you better than to talk **** in the forums. It's cool you've found a clan you like and will war for, but don't be one of those guys. I know you better than that.

    Z (clan) I never had much of an opinion of ya tbh, but good to see you jumping up and taking the lead on this one. Good work - make it count, strip em all dry. Should only take you a week 
  13. Matty if you are too stupid to put together what the *'s are in "dip-****" then I think I've figured out why all of you're friend's are hitting themselves... you're in special-ed and they are having field-day today...
    don't forget buddy, make sure not to let go of the hand in front of you and for gods sake keep your helmet on at all times!!
  14. Lolz I was not aware we were supporting anyone...
  15. Uh oh Mali. You didn't? Did you? Oh dear. Bad move :/
  16. Z maybe a strong clan, but it has bot shown any strength, plenty of runners have been spotted and we shall see who prevails this war